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Temptation of Night (英文诗) 2018-08-15 18:32:40

The dark night comes

covering the dirty marks of streets

giving you peace and calmness

Desiring the isolation and loneliness.

Walking in your dreams

The beauty of blurring and emptiness

only old cats watch you.

Seeing no one but a few strangers.

The fewer you had

The lower you desired

The smaller you achieved

 The easier you took.

Sitting on a stool

with your night soup and meal,

face an old man, the night god and

king of murder, rape and blackmail.

Smiling at you

His mind reaches you

The conversation is silent

The king of night fetches your soul.

This not a dream but the real.

 Controlling you to steal.

The silence is an order 

To commit the sinnest kill 

The night, ugly with fantasy 

The night, evil with creation

The night, dirty with entertaining

The night, empty with peace.

Trying a crime never committed

Trying a dream you dreamed

Trying madness you desired

Trying destroying you wished.

You can’t rebuild a destructive world

You must destroy the destruction

The night with you from punishment

The darkness shields you from burning light.

What you remembered is

what you forgot.

What you hated is

what you loved.

Only the dark night

your safe heaven

walked out with hope

because you can’t see and miss.

The temptation of night

you only home of hope.

The evil king disappeared

With heartless thrust.

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注册日期: 2017-04-25
访问总量: 5,860 次
· Temptation of Night (英文诗)
· 世界是他们的
· 平庸的步行者
· 打网球的女孩
· 和列侬 “想象的世界” (Imagine)
· 无题(诗)
· 革命的宿命(诗)
· Temptation of Night (英文诗)
· 世界是他们的
· 平庸的步行者
· 打网球的女孩
· 和列侬 “想象的世界” (Imagine)
· 无题(诗)
· 革命的宿命(诗)
· 通向贝尔法斯特的列车(诗)
· 夜里徘徊 (诗)
· 宿命 (group of poems)
2018-08-15 - 2018-08-15
2017-07-16 - 2017-07-16
2017-05-01 - 2017-05-25
2017-04-27 - 2017-04-27
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