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Piano Player  
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Success 2008-05-27 10:35:12

I see light up ahead

And I always have

As I continue to trek up the mountain

To the heavenly yet mysterious peak. 


My motivation echoes in my mind. 

It echoes louder than the eternal blizzard around me. 

Oh, how much I suffer

In the hardships of seeking the light. 


As I continue to climb the treacherous mountain,

The storm intensifies. 

But by feeling the warmth of the light against my skin,

The storm mitigates. 


Too far up the mountain to hesitate,

I must continue and never grow weak

For the strange mist below me

Reminds me of an uncertain past and a forgotten origin.   


However, the light ahead

Has always been my ambition,

My hero, my savior,

My trouble, my murderer. 


“What is the meaning of life,” one may ask

Alas, I have found the answer

By constantly striving towards the light,

I have found the answer. 


To the light!

To the light!

How elusive and you be? 

How many times have you made me slip and trip while advancing to you? 


When I do slip, my dreadful, clumsy mistakes, I fall rapidly down the mountain,

However, I always grab on to a nearby branch

And dig my fingers in the hard, bitter snow and learn to be more careful,

By doing so, I redeem myself and continue. 


I am starving for the light!

And to finish the long climb to the peak of the mountain! 

And to end the evil blizzard and pain forever! 

But there is still one last difficult question that may not have an answer: 

Will I ever reach the light?

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注册日期: 2008-02-18
访问总量: 69,379 次
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