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Acne Myth - Washing Your Face 2008-04-30 12:35:18

Myth: The more you wash your face, the fewer breakouts you\'ll have.

Fact: Hygiene isn\'t related to the development of acne, either. Washing the face each day gets rid of dead skin cells, excess oil, and surface dirt, but too much cleansing or washing too vigorously can lead to dryness and irritation — which can actually make acne worse.

Dermatologists usually recommend gently washing — not scrubbing or rubbing — the face no more than twice a day with a mild cleanser and patting the skin dry. Kids should steer clear of harsh exfoliants or scrubs, which can actually irritate blemishes. In addition, toners containing high concentrations of alcohol can dry out the skin and should be avoided.

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注册日期: 2008-04-17
访问总量: 9,776 次
· Acne Myth - Cause & Cure
· Acne Myth - Washing Your Face
· 祛斑偏方 - 黄瓜美肤面膜
· 冰糖燉官燕
· Acne Myth - Cause & Cure
· Acne Myth - Washing Your Face
· 祛斑偏方 - 黄瓜美肤面膜
· 冰糖燉官燕
2008-04-17 - 2008-04-30
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