自从youtube上出现那个why Asian men cannot date white girls的视频出现后,各种 回应的视频也如雨后春笋一般,也有很多白女纷纷调出来说自己喜欢亚裔,总结一下
亚男的优点:smart, clean cut, cute, metrosexual (fashionable, paying attention to appearance), nice, polite 亚男的缺点:small (not tall), shy, metrosexual (naturally too feminine), always too nice
因为还是学生,现在的老婆争得比我多十几倍,结婚前自己就买了房。婚后一次问起她 为什么会选我做老公时,得到的答复是自己太aggresive,而同年龄段同一收入水平的白 人男,往往会选择比自己年龄小,漂亮,级别比自己低的女人,而亚裔男往往比较too nice,就算妻子/女友很强势,也比较容忍,妥协,就算内心很不爽,不会show emotions in public, 而相同情况下白男早就说I don\'t love you any more,跟她拜拜 了。还有就是她的一个女性朋友跟我说的,我老婆比较喜欢比较cute的男人,而白男计 算年轻的时候很cute,过了35,大都秃顶大肚子了,而同年龄段的亚裔男很多还像小朋 友一样(很多20出头的白男看起来比有些35岁的亚裔男都熟)。
asian men has the same problems with asian girls who are independent and aggressive. just like white men with white girls.
i think in general asian men marry or date white girls are just like asian girls who would go out with white men, it's a thing about face. wow, look at him/her, going out with a white man/woman, score !
am i right or am i right? i think it's the same in almost all the other cultures, including latin cultures and african cultures. african men tend to marry white women if they have the chance and so are african women. on the other hand, mid estern men tend to marry whom ever that comes along, since they can have plural wivies, if they can afford them. however, Indian men and women are still in a stage (most of them) where arranged marriage is still in control and fashion,so that's a whole different ball game.