1992年,戈尔在演讲中这样说: In pursuit of that objective, the Reagan-Bush administration would overlook the fact that it was an Iraq-based group that masterminded the assassination attempt against Israel's ambassador to the United Kingdom, which occurred in June of 1982. This event, of course, triggered Israel's invasion of Lebanon, not exactly a minor consequence for US policy. The Reagan-Bush administration was also prepared to overlook the fact that the terrorists who masterminded the attack on the Achille- Lauro and the savage murder of American Leon Klinghoffer, fled with Iraqi assistance. Nor did it seem to matter that the team of terrorists who set out to blow up the Rome airport came directly from Baghdad with suitcase bombs... | 首先,美国对伊拉克WMD的指控并不是什么“谎言”,理由如下: 1.所谓谎言,是指故意传布自己不相信的信息。伊拉克有过WMD,多次用过WMD,在91年到96年之间数次被迫承认自己瞒报了WMD。98年跟联合国检查团终止合作之后,受到联合国决议的强烈谴责(如果大家都相信它已经没有WMD,那还查什么?)。克林顿在讲话里称它和国际恐怖组织组成了邪恶轴心(unholy axis),对它把WMD交给恐怖组织的可能性深表忧虑(是的,小布什几乎没什么新东西,都是从克林顿一家照抄的,连那句著名的“Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists”也无非是紧跟希拉里大婶9月12日的讲话精神而已)——要相信这么多人和组织长期坚持同一个慌言,那么你多半是三鹿奶粉K多了。 |