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Thoughts about Oprah ending her show 2009-11-20 13:11:21

The spark of writing this entry started when I saw the news on CNN that Oprah will be ending her show in 2011.  For Oprah lovers, they shall miss her; and as for Oprah haters, they felt their prayers have been heard.

I have never watched an “Oprah” show (as I am not really a TV person), but have had heard/read many controversies about her show and her.  And despite the fact that I’ve never seen her shows , I found her to be a very tough and influential figure; also a humanitarian.  Having void feeling about her show and the figure she portrayed (through media), I found it hard to digest why someone would leave such a remarkable or more of impeccable job? Yes, she is a billioniare and is able to retire early, yes, she should deserve to have a break after all her hardworks. However, to me, when someone has accomplished so much, worked so hard and came so far for the achievement he/she has made, then given up volunteerily? I found it hard to believe unless the person is going to go for something better and bigger. 

This is when I remembered that when Obama was running for presidenct in 2008, Oprah was one of his biggest sponsors. During Obama’s Inauguration Day, Oprah was standing in the audience, first row.   And there have been talks about whether she is using her talk show as a political platform. Thus, I will not be surprised if Oprah is changing her career path to politics.  As the next (presidental) election will be in 2012 and if she’s wrapping up with her talk show in 2011, Oprah will have a whole year to help Obama campaigning. 

Well, the future is undetermined. Let see what will be revealing…

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作者:昭君 留言时间:2009-11-20 13:21:59
I used to watch Oprah show, and love it. She is the kind of host who can tackle almost any kind of topics - political debates, ethical dilemmas, international affairs, humanitarian efforts, and of course, family problems, entertainment news, and fashion!!! There's nobody like her, here or elsewhere. Some people claim that Lu Yu is China's Oprah, and I was totally turned off - Opran is not just someone who can host some stars and laugh with them!! She is a very influential figure, and has used her influence and power to better this world. Her school in South Africa is grooming the next generation of female leaders for that part of the world, let alone all the other humanitarian efforts she has initiated such as "Oprah's Big Give", and so many more.

I think she is just experiencing fatigue after this many years. This is not the first time she is talking about exiting, but this time it seems like it's for real. She has often said that her many jobs and roles have left her very very exhausted, so maybe it's finally a good opportunity for her to take a break. But I'll not be surprised if she does choose to enter politics. After all, people are attributing Obama's victory to her endorsement!

Congratulations on starting your blog:).
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