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ZT比三鹿厉害100倍的大闸蟹- (with English Translation) 2012-10-25 14:48:52


TOXIC Hairy Crabs, Eels, Turtles, Bean Sprouts, Farmed Fish – worse than the Melamine Milk Scandal

比三鹿厉害100倍的大闸蟹- (with English Translation)

Yale Professor Chan CM, in his lecture at Beida Univ about poisonous eels being sold in China and
how widely the local eel farms are using hormones which remain in the human body sometimes for 7-8 yrs.

An Environmental Scientist whom he met at Suzhow told him “my relative who owns a bean
sprouts farm said that because of the use of hormones, the sprouts normally take 5 days to be
ready for sale are now ready in 1 day. Truckloads are sold to Canton and no one in his own
village will eat the stuff they farmed.”


陈志武还说,“ 我有一个亲戚是卖豆芽的,他说:这些豆芽不能吃.用了激素,本来要五天才能长大的豆芽只要一天就长好了。本村人都不买这种豆芽,都卖给广州,一卡车一卡车,一夜就到了广州的菜市场。”

Hairy Crabs : Mostly from Jiangsu. Each year, the crabs became more
affordable due to large harvest. They are bred using all kinds of toxins : hormones, antibiotics.
From the baby crabs stage, the crabs are fed around 10 types of chemicals.
In Fujian, they are worse, they feed female crabs with birth control hormones so that the mother
crab will be plumb and ready.







“现在的鱼类、家禽, 哪一样不是喂药物长大的!”你不这样做,别人做,你还能做生意吗?

24 hours after they were fetched, the crabs arrived at HK dinner table, but not before
they were fed one last time withantibioticsso that they would stay
healthy enroute.

If you walk along the small streets in the Crab Farms, you will see many shops selling
“Medicine for Crabs”. There are at least 10 different kinds on their “menu”.





Next Magazine Investigative Journalists took 12 Hairy Crabs for lab test.
11 of them have土霉素. 6 have 氯霉素 All damaging to blood, and esp bad for pregnant women
and foetuses.



If they tell you their crabs are fed organically (versus Chemically Fed), that means they
are fed by decomposing carcases of dead cats, dogs, chicken. The dogs died from first
being poisoned, or from diseases. The owner of the crab farm pulled from under a bed a
dead carcass, deskin and dehaired it, waving a piece of the leg proudly pronouncing it as
“organic feed” These dogs came from a private vendor that kills the dogs by poisonous
gases. The dog died from chemical poisoning.

The investigative journalists from HK witnessed such display of “organic feeding” when the
farmer tossed the dog carcass into the pond. They watched 2 crabs feeding on the
decaying carcass.


The Fishery Dept showed that the most famous YC Lake for Hairy Crabs, at maximum
can only produce 13,000 Class 1 Crabs. HK imported 13,000,000 crabs all claiming
it’s from YC Lake.



Jiang Su natural water engineer Mr Tong said the the whole of China claims that the
hairy crabs they sell are from YC Lake. The only exception being those sold in Tibet,
a desert.

Turtles, Snakes, are all fed by chemicals, as well as birth control hormones.



Toxin fed Crabs, snakes, eels, turtles, all fed for revenue, not forgetting fake milk
powder, fish from fish farms, bean sprouts, fake soya sauce, fake seaweeds,
fake eggs ……. Color-enriched tomatoes, melon seeds, grapes…… all massive exploits to milk cash.
Why is all that happening in China ?

First: Greed.

Second: Lack of govt control. the govt cannot keep up with the sudden market demand,
as the surging middle class have a lot more cash nowadays.

3rd and most fundamental reason :This has led to the current problem
of the maximization of profit at the cost of morality.

4th: The lack ofFamily Values kids growing up, the only value is
how to make money). The daily mantra is “Study hard to
ultimately get rich.”

The adults feel that they have to make up for “lost” time when they were deprived
under the Totalitarian regime when the govt kept what they harvested.
While their bank accounts swell, they are morally bankrupt.

这些毒螃蟹、毒蛇、毒黄鳝、毒乌龟等,只是当今中国掺毒食品巨大冰山的一角。中国人突然有了发财的机会、又处于一个无法无天的 道德真空 (既无宗教信仰,传统伦理也全部沦丧)状态下,不顾一切赚钱的欲念可诱发出人性中最冷漠、最恶毒、最疯狂的部份。像往番茄、葡萄等水果上撒药、涂色以增加鲜亮等


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