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也谈融入主流社会 2010-04-10 13:28:51





    我想把我曾经遇到过的一件事情在这里说一下,看看诸位有些什么想法。有一次我和我朋友的女儿闲聊,她五岁,上学前班。我指着书上的蓝颜色问她:这是什么颜色呵?她说:our flag.我一楞,心想our flag是我们的旗帜的意思,我们的旗帜怎么会是蓝色的呢?没办法,几十年的习惯,一时反映不过来。好在反映快,澳洲旗不是蓝色的嘛!于是赶紧说,对,对,good,good!我不知道等他们长大以后还要不要面对融入主流社会的问题,是不是会比我们现在轻松点,应该不会比我们现在这么恼人吧!

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作者:庶人 留言时间:2010-04-16 10:10:20
If we choose a place to live, we have to regard it as 'My-land", although it may not be the "Mother-land". A lot times I feel it irralivent what nationality or political views I hold, because the Earth is my true motherland which I must respect.
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作者:moscar 留言时间:2010-04-10 16:50:10
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作者:新中国木乃伊 留言时间:2010-04-10 14:52:42
Another cent, in my opinion, the only famous 华人 whoe 融入了主流社会 was Connie Chang who announced on CBS Evening News in 1994 that all Chinese in this country were spy.
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作者:新中国木乃伊 留言时间:2010-04-10 14:40:03
My 2 cents:

Let me put it his way, the girl will say 书上的蓝颜色 is blue when she is 15, and that the sooner she knows 书上的蓝颜色 is blue, the better. She won't be 比我们现在轻松 ... because we can speak Chinese, but she may not be able to. Michael Chang and Michelle Kwan, as famous as they are, they are still "the guests of this land". BTW, I talked to Michael Chang once before, his Chinese was extremely bad, could only spoke a couple of words.

Note: Michael Chang is an American tennis player, who, after winning the 1989 Fench open, ended the N year's of America drought in Grand Slams, and started the new era for players like Pete Sampras, Jim Courier, Andre Agassi.... Michael's contribution to the new American tennis is very difficult to describe in words. Michelle Kwan... you know sho she is... the American who was beaten by American figure skaters several times.
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