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Does I have a enemy in the love affair? 2010-07-12 18:08:19

     The love affair surely in my mind only include my husband, and friends have friendship role and parents have their unique position in the heart.

   But I have find out an enemy in the love. There exist a woman who compete all the time in having equal love from my husband. When we make love on the night, he seems kept some part for her. The seconde night he has already finished it for her. I always waiting for the last part, then I found out I have lost the first part for a long time. We can make any fun in love because the enemy will catch whatever my joys. Even it is a pain they also want to taste.

 She seems more and more ambitious in getting more from me. I feel colder and colder and my husband only find time accompany me in fun but no more sex. Then he just showed that I need but he can't give.

 When I went out to the street, I feel nervous about eyesights from young women. 

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