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How does this make sense to anyone, 2022-05-27 16:21:20

  美国又发生了校园枪击 to Ted Cruz is that schools need to be more like prisons ,脱口秀 主持人 Jimmy Kimmel 强忍住泪水 “ …they haven’t done and they know that it’s indefensible so they would rather sweep this under the rug… …how does this make sense to anyone …”

笑骂 任你笑骂 ,好官我自为之

我知道,中国很多地方不如美国,,但 发生这种事 ,起码 官员 为此 负责 。那几个 逢中必反 的博主 ,是否可以为此说几句呢

Jimmy Kimmel 讽刺 Ted cruz I see so this wasn’t a gun problem this was a door problem … he leaves his dog to look out of when it gets cold and he sneaks off the cancun so like gizella deville …

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作者:水蛇 留言时间:2022-05-27 16:28:34


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