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和平奖还是政治奖? 2010-10-09 14:43:04
The Nobel peace prize awarded to Liu Xiaobo indicated a ruthless
attack to China by Western countries, for the purpose of:

Politically, they do not want see a stronger China and use whatever
they can to destabilise China social order, making trouble to China’s
reform process including political reform.

Economically, they added oil to fire to force change of Chinese
currency. They do envy China achievements made over the last 30 years
and ignore the fact that it is millions of Chinese labour hard work
created Today’s China, you can not simply take away their wealth using
the cruel means like currency manipulation.

Even from point of view on Culture, religion and human rights, they
still do not fully understand the real situation in China, they force
Chinese people to accept western freedom, liberty and democracy value
which majority Chinese people do not understand either.

If we agree that last year peace prize being given to Obama is a joke
to the world, an insulation to the people who love peace, then this
year, we have seen the ugly face from some westerns politicians. Mr;
Liu won’t benefit from this, so do the people who really love the
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作者:兰冠云 留言时间:2010-10-09 19:25:33
Nobody force you to accept such Western values, why do you stay in London? How do you know the majority Chinese don't understand democracy, freedom and liberty? Who distort such value in China?
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