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Who is she? 2012-02-14 12:47:29

Some readers may remember President Bush was confused who (Hu) the Chinese President was.


Now President Obama is confused by Xi also.


Here is the story:


Place: Oval Office, White House


Obama: Hey Joey, I've heard you have a guest.

Biden:    Yeah, Mr. President, Vice President of China.

Obama: Who’s the guy?

Biden:    Xi

Obama: Oh, a gal?

Biden:    No, Xi is a guy.

Obama: She is a guy? You mean he is a guy.

Biden:    No, Mr. president, I mean Xi is a guy.

Obama: You are setting me up, aren’t you?

Biden:    Mr. President, I ain’t.

Obama: So the god-damned Chinese VP is a woman, correct?

Biden:    No, Mr. president, the god-damned Chinese VP is a guy.

Obama:   What a f…, Maybe she is a transsexual?

Biden:    No, CIA intelligent report says Xi is straight.

Obama: She is straight? too bad,  you know, I love lesbians, kinky stuff ...

Biden:    I know, Mr. President, but Xi is not a lesbian.

Obama: So she is straight.

Biden:    yeah, Xi is straight.

Obama: Why did you say she is a guy in the first place?

Biden:    You got me. I am confused myself now. Why don’t you join us to see for yourself.

Obama: When?

Biden:   Tonight, Xi is coming for dinner.

Obama: OK, I will not bring michelle, is she good looking...?

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作者:随笔1 留言时间:2012-02-14 21:06:21
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作者:逍遥津 留言时间:2012-02-14 20:21:03
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