如果此人在美国,劝他或她最好提前找好律师。 每个人都得对自己的言行负责。 以下就是发给FBI的信件原稿和发送网页: https://tips.fbi.gov/ FBI officers, I came across a blog posted on www.creader.net (a Canadian website for Chinese communities in North America) on 05/15/12, advocating suicide bombing against Chinese government and Chinese civilians. It is not an expression of political opinion, it lists specific bomb-making know-how and solicits targets in China for the purpose of causing maximum civilian casualties. This blog is posted under the screen name of “Chinese Justice Self-Liberation Unified Army” (中华正义自救联军). When confronted by a reader, the author of the blog threatened to track down the reader. The blog is pasted as follows:…. 原文连接: source: http://blog.creaders.net/fthj8964/user_blog_diary.php?did=11222 |