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民主 -- 中国和印度的围城 2012-04-04 04:33:44

Democracy was supposed to be for the ppl and by the ppl in india . but here it has become a mockery . public is remembered only in the time of elections! China is far better even though its dictatorship !!【在印度,民主本是服务于人民和实施于人民。但是在这里它却成为一个笑柄。公众只有在选举的时候才被想起!虽然中国专政统治,但是要好得多!!】
India will always give an excuse of no democracy as a negative to china and positive to india, but fact remains is, what the politicians do when in office for the people and not how they came to office. We focus too much on how they came to office and they dont care for the people who brought them there. Chinese politicians may not be elected by ppl but they only work in the betterment of people. Fact remains is that only 1 thing india can surpass china, producing babies.【印度总是拿民主作为借口,把它当做对中国的否定和对印度的肯定。但事实仍然是政客在位时该做什么还是做什么,而不是竞选时为人们所做的那样。我们太过关注政客如何上任,而他们不关心将自己带到那个位置的那些人。中国政客可能不是人们选举出来的。但他们只为造福人民而工作。事实仍然是,印度唯一能超过中国的是生孩子。】
If everyone was given freedom to speak, then no development ever happens and china would have still been like India. In India no project ever gets started because some idiot does not like it. Because he has the freedom of speech, he will go to court along with his useless goons and will stall the project and no development ever happens in India… There goes your freedom of speech. You see how far it has taken India? 【如果每个人都有言论自由,那就不会有任何发展。中国可能会仍然和印度一样。在印度,由于某些傻子并不喜欢,没有工程能开工的。由于有言论自由,那些傻子和没用的暴徒一起去法庭起诉,从而阻止工程。所以,印度没有出现任何发展… 你们有了言论自由,可你看看它把印度带往何处了?】
The so called Freedom, Democracy we Indians love rhyming about India and the imaginary Govt. control and dictatorship in China etc are all crap that we use to console ourselves. China is progressing, Chinese are happy and content. It is commendable what China has done in 30 Yrs with a population of over 1 billion. Infrastructure is secondary, they have almost solved food and shelter problem for their people while we still constitute 40% of the malnourished children of the world . We should learn from them rather than being cynical. 【我们印度人热爱吟颂的所谓自由和民主,以及我们想象的中国政府的控制和专制等,都是我们用于安慰自己的废话。中国正在进步,中国人幸福和满足。拥有超过10亿人的中国在30年里所做的事是值得赞扬的。基础设施是次要的,他们几乎为人民解决了粮食和居住问题。然而,我们仍然拥有世界上40%的营养不良儿童。我们应该向他们学习,而不是冷嘲热讽。】
Indian democraccy is a farce!Politicians don’t get locked up up even for murder-rape-loot-curruption -you name it!better to be in a disiplined country like China than in a farce democracy like India! 【印度民主就是个笑话!政客甚至不会因为谋杀、强奸、抢劫和腐败等凡是你说得出的罪行而被关起来。宁愿呆在中国那样有纪律的国家,也不愿呆在印度那样的民主闹剧中。】
China prospered and is happy without India’s dummy democracy and casteism. Indians are brainwashed to believe that (voting in elections == democracy) and a solution to all problems.【中国幸福繁荣是因为没有印度虚假的民主和种姓制度,印度被洗脑乐,以为选举投票就等于民主,而且以为能解决所有问题】
unfortunately in india most of the projects start with dream and remain pipedreams. This is the reality.【不幸的是,在印度,大多数工程以梦想开始,以白日梦持续。这是事实。】

(本文资料及译文来自三泰虎网站,http://www.santaihu.com/, 本人到该网站给出的原始出处核对过,确认这些言论存在)

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