预计到今年年底的下降幅度在5%到10%之间。 The price index, which dropped 0.1 per cent nationally between July and August on a seasonally adjusted basis, is expected to decline between five and 10 per cent between now and the end of 2013, said National Bank senior economist Marc Pinsonneault. 至于小幅下降的原因主要是由于房贷按揭政策的变化: The index, which tracks price changes for repeat sales of single-family homes, is the latest indicator that Canada’s major real estate markets are softening, following the introduction in July of tighter rules on insured mortgages. The new rules include a reduction in the maximum amortization period from 30 to 25 years, a change that economists say is equivalent to a nearly one-per-cent hike in interest rates. Readmore: http://www.montrealgazette.com/business/Tougher+mortgage+rules+cool+already+softening+housing+markets+Canada+three+largest+cities/7268167/story.html#ixzz273d8f6p8 |