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yellow witch的博客  
美丽潇洒人生,轻松自由! 和乐家庭,子女为伴! 教育原创,自学成材! 信心百倍,积极向上!  
德育教育真的不重要吗?(一) 2014-01-30 10:01:38

       小女跟游泳队五年多,大女近两年,每周数次训练,从不迟到早退。偶有时间冲突也会事先与教练沟通。虽然大女游泳目的只为锻炼身体,小女目前有不错成绩,但仍然和大部分队员家长一样自觉遵纪守队上各项制度。同时两女也学会对任何自己有commitment 的事情认真对待,做到最好。(校内校外) 这和最后的成绩和结果无关。是态度问题,迟到早退是不尊重他人的表现。

     这两年来,队上大陆新移民家长增多。现十二岁以下占到总队员人数近一半左右。训练迟到早退的问题在连续无数次周邮(每周一次教练与家长,运动员沟通邮件)中提及。一些队上华人家长平时言谈中表露: 游泳只是课外活动. 孩子又不会真正去干体育这行. 迟到早退不是什么大不了的事。再说家庭自费,有权力那样。觉得教练大惊小怪的家长不少。

     哈,这就是中美文化又一不同点。在学校老师总教学生尊重他人中包括尊重他人时间,遵守公共道德这些细节。这些的确只是对人,对事的态度问题,和成绩没有太大关糸。所以我们华人家长没有对这些引起过重视。但仔细想想,做事认真,遵纪守法,尊敬他人不正是个人素质吗? 虽和学习成绩无关,但会和社会风气,个人道德有关。这些不正是国内现缺的东西吗? 我们这代自己不给孩子好榜样,让他们也不重视自身素质培养,那会比较可惜。个人成绩好不等同个人素质高。如果家长不重视孩子素质教育那这两者将不成正比。以下是教练们对队员迟到早退感想,希望家长们看一下是否真的没有必要大惊小怪。

Tardiness has once again a huge problem at practices.  We understand that there are a number of factors our families deal with on their way to practice (scheduling conflicts, traffic, etc.) and that tardiness does happen on occasion. However, the amount of late swimmers has gotten out of control. There are swimmers that are showing up 10, 15, or even 20 minutes late to practice, EVERY weekend. If there is a reason that your swimmer will continuously be late, please discuss this with coaches. Coaches can be made aware of the situation. It is not only disruptive to the swimmers and coaches, but it distracts the coaches from the other swimmers in the water, AND distracts your teammates who got to practice and into the pool on time. Since this issue has gotten out of control, we will now be enforcing the following policy: Swimmers must be on deck ready to go no later than 5 minutes before practice starts. At the start of practice, swimmers who are there ready to go will get in, and any swimmer who arrives late (WITHOUT prior knowledge or approval from the coaches) will be asked not to swim. If your swimmer is late and is asked not to swim, an e-mail will be sent to you (the parents). If your swimmer is asked to leave 3 times, we will need to set up a meeting with you, your swimmer, and Coaches Will discuss the issue with you. We know that this is not how you want to be spending your valuable time, and it is certainly not how we would like to spend our limited free time, however this has what we have come to. As most of you are coming straight from school, the same rules apply, however we will have a 5 minute leniency.

Please be respectful to your coaches and your teammates by being on deck and ready to go. 


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yellow witch
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· 孩子的品格言行是成功的通行证。
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· 真正受过教育的人是这些思维方式
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· 无话可说的育材观念
· 梁案反败为胜机率大
· 正面👀淡粱案。
· 孩子言行是家长的镜子。
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