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yellow witch的博客  
美丽潇洒人生,轻松自由! 和乐家庭,子女为伴! 教育原创,自学成材! 信心百倍,积极向上!  
你搞对在美培养孩子的方向了吗? 2015-10-31 04:50:48
Do not talk to strangers; do not go into homes or cars of people you do not know; and do not approach animals you do not know.
Make sure children know their phone number and address — and to provide this information to a police officer in an emergency or if lost.
Stay on sidewalks and avoid walking in streets, if possible.
If there are no sidewalks, walk on the left side of the road, facing traffic.
Cross streets only at the corner and never cross between parked vehicles or mid-block.
Safety Tips for Us Older Ghosts
Don’t drink and drive! Designate a driver or call SoberRide at 1-800-200-TAXI
Food safety tips for parents Pay extra attention to crosswalks, intersections and the side of the road. Kids tend to walk along the curbs, cutting across streets to get to other homes.
Don’t text and drive!
Be aware that children may be shorter than parked cars and wearing dark clothing.
Drive below the posted speed limit in residential areas on Halloween, Saturday, Oct. 31. This allows you time to brake if you see a child dart in front of you.
Do not pass other vehicles that have stopped in the roadway, they could be dropping off children.
If you are dropping off or picking up your kids on a road, pull off the road into a safe spot and turn on your hazard lights to alert other drivers.
这里的绝大多数成人在行事前是会关❤️各种信息及知识以更👌的完成事情!学校发的管理👋册及条例是🌹时间👀及研究一下的以此去引导孩子遵纪守法及了解学校基本运营规则。且学校网页上的内容定期査👀!而我们不少🏡长忽略这些公共信息!一旦孩子真的遇上事连学校最基本的规章制度都不淸楚的前提下振振有词与学校交涉结果会是什么?学校一句: 去看发的管理条例!这样的影响让孩子们怎样对自己的行为负责?
这里文化习惯follow authorities的各种指导信息而我们小圈文化忽略无视!这些潜在的意识也是让孩子们与他人不同的原因之一而不是什么性格内向,不善言辞!

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yellow witch
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· 孩子的品格言行是成功的通行证。
· 为什么我们及孩子这么脆弱?
· 真正受过教育的人是这些思维方式
· 好公民意识是新移民适应社会的保
· 实话为什么美国穷人最光荣?
· 生命短暂没有时间讨厌你
· 无话可说的育材观念
· 孩子的品格言行是成功的通行证。
· 为什么我们及孩子这么脆弱?
· 真正受过教育的人是这些思维方式
· 好公民意识是新移民适应社会的保
· 实话为什么美国穷人最光荣?
· 生命短暂没有时间讨厌你
· 无话可说的育材观念
· 梁案反败为胜机率大
· 正面👀淡粱案。
· 孩子言行是家长的镜子。
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