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yellow witch的博客  
美丽潇洒人生,轻松自由! 和乐家庭,子女为伴! 教育原创,自学成材! 信心百倍,积极向上!  
How to Teach Children to Have Positive Attitudes 2015-12-30 11:06:48

How to Teach Children to Have Positive Attitudes

Step 1

Teach your children to control their inner monologues. These are the statements they constantly repeat to themselves in their minds, such as “I’m so bad at math. I’m never going to pass the class.” Help them replace these negative statements by stating, aloud or silently: “I might be having a hard time understanding math, but I will keep trying and reach out to others for help with it, like my teachers, parents and other students.”

Step 2

Remind your children that being positive or negative about an event that has occurred in their lives is their choice. Teach your children this by using an example, such as “Staying angry at someone is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to suffer.”

Step 3

Try to create a positive environment in your home by watching funny movies, telling jokes and stories. Explain to your children that just smiling and laughing can help shift your brain chemistry and make you feel good, according to the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics.

Step 4

Provide your children plenty of affection in the form of kind words, hugs, kisses, high fives and pats on the back.

Step 5

Help your children develop hobbies they are good at to increase their confidence. You can, for example, encourage your child who has a lovely singing voice, to take voice classes to help her develop her singing ability more.

Step 6

Encourage your children to keep a journal to keep track of accomplishments and disappointments. When your child experiences a disappointment, have him reflect on the lessons he can take from the experience to avoid repeating the mistake in the future. Praise him for showing maturity and recognizing the lesson and for taking a proactive approach to mistakes instead of dwelling on them.

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yellow witch
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