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Osifu:修心、修行、修煉的秘密 2013-03-23 2014-10-04 03:02:57

2013-03-23 晚上Osifu開示

Osifu's Discourse (Mar-23-2013 evening)

Osifu     21:02:43
Today is March 23rd, 2013, Saturday. It is a myriad of twinkling lights outside the window. The distant MountFengyi is like ink and umber-black dye.
Osifu hasn’t communicated heartfelt wishes with you for over ten days and always feels that there is something missing.

Osifu misses and recalls you all at every moment, and communicating heartfelt wishes with you has been part of Osifu’s life.
Everyone knows that Osifu has never prepared a draft nor made any outline when communicating with you all, which is entirely according to the mind and conditions.

The mind says whatever it wants to say lightheartedly without any constraint.
At this very moment, our bodies, minds and souls are all in the sea of light. The sea of light is full of brightness, love, compassion, wisdom, truth, kindness, beautifulness, auspiciousness, freedom, equality, balance and peace……

We are bathed in the warmness of the big family of the universe, which is filled with positive energy, positive information and positive codes. Our bodies, minds, souls, every cell, every molecule and every atom are receiving adjustment, cleaning, purification, sublimation and ascension.

Our bodies, minds, souls, every cell, every molecule and every atom are all egoless and unconditioned and perform in accordance with the Way.
Our bodies, minds, souls, every cell, every molecule and every atom all comply with cosmic laws to run.

Our bodies, minds, souls, every cell, every molecule and every atom all comply with natural rules to run.
Our bodies, minds, souls, every cell, every molecule and every atom are all emitting light and emitting pure light, auspicious light and light full of love.

Our bodies, minds, souls, every cell, every molecule and every atom are all releasing love, releasing pure love, auspicious love and bright love.
That is mind cultivation, practice and discipline.

That is the secret of mind cultivation, practice and discipline.
That is the shortcut of mind cultivation, practice and discipline.

That is the whole of mind cultivation, practice and discipline.
That is the original source of mind cultivation, practice and discipline.

That is the primary purpose of mind cultivation, practice and discipline.
That is the objective of mind cultivation, practice and discipline.

That is the direction of mind cultivation, practice and discipline.
That is the motive of mind cultivation, practice and discipline.

That is the significance of mind cultivation, practice and discipline.
That is the value of mind cultivation, practice and discipline.

That is the orientation of mind cultivation, practice and discipline.
That is the essence of mind cultivation, practice and discipline.

Mind cultivation, practice and discipline shouldn’t become superstition, and she is the greatest science.
Mind cultivation, practice and discipline shouldn’t become religion, and she is the greatest holy truth.
Mind cultivation, practice and discipline shouldn’t become a secret, and she is the greatest public welfare.
Mind cultivation, practice and discipline shouldn’t become heresy, and she is the greatest profound secret.

Mind cultivation, practice and discipline is the only channel for us to improve our dimensional level of life.

Improving dimensional level of life constantly is the main goal and orientation that the cosmic beings have been always endeavoring to achieve. Every cosmic being should continuously persevere in cultivating mind, practicing and disciplining to improve dimensional level of life without cessation.
The cosmic energy is equal and shared cosmic welfare for all cosmic beings.
The cosmic information is an equal and shared cosmic message for all cosmic beings.

The cosmic codes are an equal and shared cosmic profound secret for all cosmic beings.
All beings in the universe are equal, which is one of cosmic laws.

It is just like every drop of water in the sea is equal. All beings in the universe, whether she, he or it is in what kind of life form, are equal.

In order to comply with the laws of the universe better, we need to solve the problem about the equality of all beings on the earth, which will not be talked about today.

Osifu is more willing to stand at the height of the universe to talk about problems. Osifu often says that we earthly beings should have the entire earth in the mind and expand our horizons to include the whole universe.”

Talk about issues at the height of the universe and everything will be clear at a glance.
The earth is too small.
Solving the problems of human beings and of the earth should stand at the height of the universe, and make use of cosmic laws to solve all problems and all problems will be readily solved.

The contradictions between persons, families, countries, planets and galaxies all come from violation against cosmic laws.
Tragedy of violation against cosmic laws between persons, families, countries, planets and galaxies is staged continuously.

As an interstellar traveler, Osifu has seen too many tragedies resulting from violation against cosmic laws.
Osifu has been calling for all cosmic beings conforming to cosmic laws, and complying with them unconditionally!
Nowadays, Osifu is travelling on the earth, and Osifu raises cosmic laws to the supreme status of the universe.

A series of cosmic laws, such as the law of balance, the law of karmic retribution and the law of equality and so on, are those that all of our cosmic beings must comply with unconditionally.
Nowadays, Osifu is travelling on the earth. Osifu will protect the earth.

Osifu calls for earthly beings complying with a series of cosmic laws, such as the law of balance, the law of karmic retribution and the law of equality, etc. Only in this way can the earth be protected well, can the earth keep sustainable development, can the earth have a better future!

The earth was originally a very perfect energy field, cultivation field and paradise. A great many of cosmic beings were willing to choose the earth to lead a life, cultivate mind, practice and discipline. But now the earth has been destroyed so that it is not suitable for survival, let alone being a superexcellent energy field, cultivation field or paradise.

In spite of this, Osifu still has confidence in earthly beings and believes that they could tune their minds, tune their ideas and tune their actions, and could timely face and adjust their ideas and actions of violation against cosmic laws.

In the universe, there are many planets where life exists. However, there is only one earth for earthlings. We should take good care of the earth, just like taking good care of our eyes; we should protect the earth, just like protecting our bodies.

We should keep in mind: the universe, the galaxies, the earth, countries, families, individuals are inseparable. They are bound up with each other and connected to the fates, and they are Oneness.
Every one of us, cosmic being, should keep in mind: love the universe, love the galaxies, love the earth, love the country, love the family, love ourselves, love all creatures and all beings and love everything.

Every one of us, cosmic being, should keep in mind: where there is love, there is brightness; where there is love, there is hope; where there is love, there is a future; where there is love, there is warmth; where there is love, there is ascension; where there is love, there is significance; where there is love, there is returning.

Of course, the love here isn’t selfish love, not love in a narrow sense, not delusional attached love, not erotogenic love, not possessive love nor manipulative love.
To let light and love suffuse the earth and all over the universe is one of Osifu’s aims, to which Osifu would devote himself tirelessly.

Let's call it a day! Osifu will set foot on a journey tomorrow and continue to travel.

Osifu 22:20:12
Bless you all at every moment.
Miss and recall you all at every moment. - See more at: http://www.backchina.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1232927&extra=#sthash.ikUu1jBJ.dpuf
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cosmic obert
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· 2014年10月10日-10月14日 Osifu
· Osifu是关爱地球的志愿者.Apr-11
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· Osifu:你就是從某個星球來的靈
· Osifu:修心、修行、修煉的秘密
· Osifu:不要談玄談異,平常心即道
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