关于南海争端,先看 The diplomat 今年6月的文章: Who Is the Biggest Aggressor in the South China Sea?http://thediplomat.com/2015/06/who-is-the-biggest-aggressor-in-the-south-china-sea/
文章中说:1996年越占24个,中国占9个。 到2015年,越占48个,中国占8个。 过去20年中国 In the past 20 years, according to the United States, China has not
physically occupied additional features. By contrast, Vietnam has
doubled its holdings, and much of that activity has occurred recently.
The Vietnamese occupations appear to have increased from 30 to 48 in the
last six years. Between 2009 and 2014, Vietnam was the most active claimant in
terms of both outpost upgrades and land reclamation, reclaiming
approximately 60 acres. All territorial claimants, with the exception of
China and Brunei, have also already built airstrips of varying sizes
and functionality on disputed features in the Spratlys. ====================================== 另外看看其他报道:
为,它们和中国的造岛行为相比——用一句美国俗语来讲——就是根本不是一个量级的。中国在力度上提高了很多个等级。 你看这个容安澜,他不至于连 the diplomat都不看吧。是不是争着眼睛说瞎话。 你看,近20年来,中国不但没有多占,还退出了一个(从9个变成8个了),把北部湾数万平方公里海域送给越南。 美国为什么敢扯偏架,容安澜为什么敢公然胡说。不就是欺负在美华人都是些连基本事实都不明白就高谈阔论的主吗。 在看看中国在北部湾对越南的巨大让步:http://view.news.qq.com/zt2012/blwd/index.htm
======================= 今年4月29日:
中新社北京4月29日电(郭君宇)中国外交部发言人洪磊29日在例行记者会上表示,中方对菲律宾、越南等个别东盟国家在其非法侵占的中国南沙岛礁上大兴土木的非法活动表示严重关切和坚决反对,要求有关国家立即停止一切侵犯中国主权和权益的言行。 28日,第26届东盟峰会发表主席声明,对目前正在进行的南海岛礁建设活动表示关切。一些媒体认为,该声明对东盟一些成员国长期以来在南海的大规模填海造地和军事建设活动不置一词。 对此,洪磊回应,中方昨日已对东盟峰会主席声明表明严正立场。 他指出,长期以来,菲律宾、越南等个别东盟国家在其非法侵占的中国南沙岛礁上大兴土木,非法进行大规模填海造地,修建机场等固定设施,甚至部署导弹等进攻性武器。 洪磊说,例如菲律宾在中国南沙中业岛修建机场并进行扩建,并在该岛建设码头等设施。菲律宾还在中业岛、马欢岛和费信岛等岛礁建设所谓旅游设施。菲律宾还企图对在仁爱礁非法“坐滩”的军舰进行加固以侵占该礁。 据报道,20世纪70年代起,菲律宾违反《联合国宪章》和国际法原则,非法侵占了中国南沙群岛的部分岛礁,包括马欢岛、费信岛、中业岛、南钥岛、北子岛、西月岛、双黄沙洲和司令礁。 洪磊还指出,越南在中国南沙20多个岛礁实施大规模填海造地,并同步建设了港池、跑道、导弹阵地、办公楼、营房、宾馆、灯塔等大批固定设施。越南还在万安滩、西卫滩、李准滩、奥南暗沙等建设多座高脚屋和直升机平台等设施。 发言人表示,中国对上述非法活动表示严重关切和坚决反对,要求有关国家立即停止一切侵犯中国主权和权益的言行。 ====================== 我们在美国生活工作的华人,大部分都是留学出来的。查证资料,搜集原始信息的本事该有吧。为什么在美国,就被容安澜这种不说实话的砖家牵着鼻子走,连基本事实都懒得去查,就高谈阔论呢?既然要当愚民,何必出国。 不管是什么标准,你总不能搞双重标准。明明是越菲抢争议岛礁并填海扩建,中国是反击在后。可是美国当局对菲越放任袒护,中国一动,立马挥拳。不是扯偏架,是什么? 我在想,我们的后代会怎么看今天的争端。他们会批评这个混蛋政府,只知道拿枪对准人民,不知道如何维护自己的领土。可是,对于那些在海外,不管基本事实,就屁股坐到美国当局一边的华人呢?他们难道不会对这些华人戳脊梁骨吗?对历史评价,共党当然不在乎。我也不知道其他人在不在乎。反正,我是不愿意留下千古骂名的。打油一首: 南海渔民大撤退,海外愚民大灌水。 屁股歪到一边去,江东父老空流泪。 要对历史有敬畏,莫被后人戳脊背。 官员颟顸海华愚,无力回天心有愧。
================================= Who Is the Biggest Aggressor in the South China Sea?
In the past 20 years, Vietnam has doubled its holdings in the South China Sea.

By Greg Austin June 18, 2015 In 1996, Vietnam occupied 24 features in the Spratly Islands (source).
At that time, according to the same source, China occupied nine. By
2015, according to the United States government, Vietnam occupied 48
features, and China occupied eight. On May 13, U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense, David Shear, said this to the Senate Foreign relations Committee: “Vietnam has 48 outposts; the Philippines, 8; China, 8; Malaysia, 5, and Taiwan, 1.” In the past 20 years, according to the United States, China has not
physically occupied additional features. By contrast, Vietnam has
doubled its holdings, and much of that activity has occurred recently.
The Vietnamese occupations appear to have increased from 30 to 48 in the
last six years. Shear also pointed out that as of his speech, China did not have an airfield as other claimants did. He said: All of these same claimants have also engaged in
construction activity of differing scope and degree. The types of
outpost upgrades vary across claimants but broadly are comprised of land
reclamation, building construction and extension, and defense
emplacements. Between 2009 and 2014, Vietnam was the most active
claimant in terms of both outpost upgrades and land reclamation,
reclaiming approximately 60 acres. All territorial claimants, with the
exception of China and Brunei, have also already built airstrips of
varying sizes and functionality on disputed features in the Spratlys.
It appears China has now built an airfield and that this was already visible in April 2015, when the Daily Mail reported that
“images showed a paved section of runway 505m by 53m on the
northeastern side” of Fiery Cross Reef. Now media pundits are engaged in
a debate about how many acres China has reclaimed, suggesting that
China has been more aggressive than Vietnam because it has reclaimed
more acres. The statement by Shear in May puts additional critical light on the
suggestion of some in the United States that China is not only making
“preposterous” claims but is being the most aggressive actor in the
territorial disputes (see: “Intelligence Check: Just How ‘Preposterous’ Are China’s South China Sea Activities?”).
Shear specifically said that between 2009 and 2014, Vietnam had been
the most active. This helps us understand what Chinese military leaders
mean when they say China has shown “great restraint.” http://thediplomat.com/2015/06/who-is-the-biggest-aggressor-in-the-south-china-sea/