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西方承认中共国的合法性是最大的政治不正确 2020-12-23 12:13:27




The West's recognition of the legitimacy of the CCP Country is the biggest political incorrect

The Chinese Communist regime -- the People's Republic of China has been evil from the moment it was established. The West lacks a clear understanding of the evil of the People's Republic of China (referred to as the Red Bandit Country, Pseudo China, or the CCP Country). It is called evil because the CCP's concept of nation-building itself is a set of deceitful theories. The CCP declared that the CCP Country is a socialist country, and its economy is socialist public ownership. In fact, they are all false. In essence, this CCP is politically totalitarian, not socialist. Economically, it is not public ownership, but extreme private ownership. The CCP Country's state power is privately owned by a single party, and then under the premise of private ownership of state power, it engages in state ownership of enterprises, and claims that state ownership of enterprises is public ownership, which is a stealth exchange of concepts. How can the state ownership of enterprises still be public ownership under the premise that state power is privately owned by CCP? It has long become a tool for one-party private ownership, which is a kind of extreme private ownership (extreme private ownership in which the state power and all enterprises are owned by one party privately). Because the CCP is not only dictatorial, but also lies and deceives, the CCP is evil.

It should be said that the West has not yet fully understood the essence of the CCP, and now recognizes the CCP Country as socialism country. The West's understanding of the CCP Country is like the ancient people's knowledge of the earth. At that time, the ancients believed that the earth was the center of the universe. Cognition should evolve. Modern people already know that the sun is the center of the solar system. The West's perception of the CCP should also shift from socialism to totalitarianism and extreme private ownership. Socialism and public ownership are the CCP's deceptive props and fraud, totalitarianism and extreme private ownership are the essence of the CCP Country. The CCP leaders are professional liars, who have deceived the West for more than 70 years and pretend to be socialist. The totalitarian social system established by the Communist Party of China is a great retrogression of human civilization and is inferior to feudal society. The dictatorship of the feudal society was at least honest, and at least protected the private property of the people. However, the CCP not only takes state power into private ownership, but also deprives the people of the property for private ownership. It also controls the people's thinking and forces the people to show loyalty to the CCP. It also wears the socialist aura of public ownership, democracy and other beautiful words. This kind of regime of the CCP Country has made its society regress into a slavery society!

Western politicians often interpret the differences between the CCP Country and the west country as differences in values, which is also politically incorrect. The difference in governance policies between the Republican Party and the Democratic Party in the United States can be called the difference in values. But the difference between the west country and the CCP Country is not a difference in values, but a difference between justice and evil. There are several possibilities for Western politicians who interpret the difference between the west country and the CCP Country as a difference in values. One possibility is that they have not seen the essence of the CCP and regard the CCP Country as a socialist country. There is another possibility that the essence of the CCP has been clearly seen, but they has been corrupted for their own self-interests, and they have become corrupted with the CCP, so they lie and admit that the CCP Country is a socialist country.

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