1. Nine out of 10 people in finance don’t have your best interest at heart. 10个金融领域中有9个人不会把你的利益放在心上。 2. Don’t try to predict the future.不要自作聪明去预测未来 3. Saving can be more important than investing. 节省比投资更加重要 4. Tune out the majority of news。大多数的新闻都是垃圾。 5. Emotional intelligence is more important than classroom intelligence. 情商比智商更重要。Street smart很重要。 6. Talk about your money。要谈钱,不要Hide你自己的无知和错误,有时候和别人谈谈你的钱经会有助于你。 7. Most financial problems are caused by debt. 大多是的财务困境是由于债台高筑所引起的。 8. Forget about past performance. 过去的就让它过去吧。 9. The perfect investment doesn’t exist. 世上没有完美的投资。 |