武则天 有的人才,不是你有钱就能请到的,除非你,有很多钱。 There are some talented people who won't follow you even if you have money. But things may be different if you really have a lot of money.
=战士篇= warriors 作为一名称职的战士,能打也能扛,站撸不用慌,你在战场上多战一秒钟,就能为自己和团队多争取一点胜利的机会。
宫本武藏 有些人越优秀,就越是会招来一些庸人的挤兑和打击。 For some of us, the more competent you are, the more will the mediocre pick on you.
哪吒 一旦锁定了目标,就要勇往直前,但学会审时度势,会帮你在遇到困境前全身而退。 Once you've identified you goal, just set out and reach it. But do remember to keep observing and evaluating the situation, or you won't be able to survive when problems come.
雅典娜 “在哪里跌倒就在哪里站起来”是勇气,“选择适当的时机重新登场”是智慧。 Get up where you fell down. That's bravery. Choose a wise time for your return. That's wisdom.
达摩 在职场中强化自己很重要,但把目标推到墙上才是你需要达成的目的。 It is import to get tougher as you fight in your job. But the ultimate goal you should focus on is to corner your targets.
老夫子 想要吊打对手,一定得自己先硬起来,不然你只能自取其辱。 If you want to win a landslide victory over your opponent, you have to get strong enough first. Otherwise you're just asking for humiliation.
杨戬 不要总是让自己的员工外出冒险,关键时刻必须亲自冲锋陷阵,挑起大梁。 Don't just let your employees take risk for you. There are times that you have to take the lead and parade on the frontline.
铠 状态好以一敌十,状态差以一坑十,保持良好的状态是应对艰巨任务的关键因素之一。 When you're in good condition, you alone can deal with a team's job. When you're in poor condition, you are only gonna ruin a whole team's job. It's very critical to stay in the right condition if you're gonna face a serious task.
孙悟空 再强大也不要以为所有的对手都能一次带走,戒骄戒躁保持警惕,随时准备发起二次突击。 No matter how strong you're, never assume that you can finish all your rivals with one strike. Stay calm and vigilant. And prerpare yourself well for a second attack.
关羽 天下武功,无坚不破,唯快不破。 Nothing is unpenetrable, except for speed.
花木兰 有时你需要在复杂的职场中,频繁的切换自己的状态,小步快跑的同时记得抓准时机使出洪荒之力。 Career is complicated, you need to have the ability to frequently switch among different modes. Keep the packs light when you march, but don't forget to look for the opportunity to bring out a full strike.
典韦 要么毁灭它,要么毁灭自己。遇上棘手的项目,就是要有这种死磕的精神! Destroy it or get destroyed by it. This is the attitude you should have when facing a really difficult project.
橘右京 靠谱的人从来都不需要华丽的修饰,他们不止在残酷的环境中进退自如,更在每次出击后深藏功与名。 People who are really reliable never decorate themselves with vanity. They proceed and retreat freely in adversity. And they never ask for fame after they accomplish things.
吕布 勇者登场,也需要选择合适的时机和场景,震慑对手还是被对手围剿,也许就是一念之差。 Even a brave warrior should choose carefully when and where to get on the stage. There's only a string of difference between crashing your enemy and being crashed by your enemy.
刘备 越战越强、越挫越勇的人,才能站到最后。 Only those who get stronger after every battle and get braver after every failure can stand to the end.
钟无艳 都说进攻是最好的防守,但很多时机只有攻守兼备的人才能抓住。 People keep saying the best defense is to attack. But there are a lot of opportunities which are only for those who can both attack and defend.
赵云 有一些猛将,真的得花钱才能请到。 If you want the real talent, you have to pay enough.
曹操 宁叫我负天下人?要小心职场里的这种小人! Better I betray everyone else than get betrayed? Be careful in your career of those despicable ones who think this way!
亚瑟 每个人都是从最基层做起的,不要低估自己的价值,团队比你想象的更需要你。 Everyone has to start from the grass-roots. Don't underestimate your own value. Your team need you more than you've realised.
=法师篇= sages 作为一名称职的法师,带节奏,给压力,玩控制,拼输出,你们是团队前进的风向标,也是获取胜利的定心丸。
干将莫邪 一定要记住:有些情况下,老婆比你懂行。 Do remember: there are situations in which your wife knows better than you.
芈月 要学会多吸收他人的经验,这样才能不断强化自我,提升生存能力。 Learn from other's experience. By doing this you can keep improving yourself and get a better chance for survival.
墨子 如果你擅长的是幕后作战,就不要在没必要的时候冲到前面。 If what you are good at is fight in the backstage, then don't rush in the front when it's not necessary.
诸葛亮 如果你的节奏比团队里的其他人都快,那就更应该谨慎注意自己前进的方向。 If you're faster than any other in your team, then you should be more careful than the others about where you are heading.
周瑜 新官上任三把火,烧得好可以燎原,烧得不好可能会将自己的缺点彻底暴露。 Don't be so bossy everytime you get in charge of a new team. Though your orders can impress people if they are really wise orders, they can also be lame ones and show everybody your incompetence.
小乔 以小博大,必须在竞争中保持距离。 If you want to fight an enemy bigger than you, you must keep the safe distance when you're fighting.
王昭君 你得有足够强的预判能力,才能钳制你的对手。 If you want to keep your enemies at bay, you have to be good at predicting their moves.
钟馗 钩中目标当然可以靠运气,但钩中了之后只能靠实力来解决。 Of course you can rely on luck to catch your target. But once you catched it you can only rely on your abilities to deal with it.
张良 伤心不是哭的理由,傻才是,没错,多读书多学习才是硬道理! Heart-break is not a reason for crying. Stupidity is. So yes, the only way out is to keep learning!
女娲 有时要学会给对手设障碍,这样可以给自己多争取一点时间。 Sometimes you need to learn to create obstacles for your rivals. This can buy you more time.
高渐离 爱唱歌是好事,唱得好能让身边同事心情愉悦,但五音不全乱走调还要天天哼,就是你的不对了。 Loving singing can be a good thing. Your coworkers can have a better mood if they have someone who can sing around them. But if you are tone-deaf and still insist singing, then you are a problem.
嬴政 如果方向判断错了,再强的火力也等于零。 If you're heading at the wrong direction, all your efforts are gonna be in vain no matter how fierce you are.
扁鹊 有些人是团队的毒药,他们起初表现的可能不明显,但积累深了,就会变成大麻烦。 Some people are poison to a team. They may not be that obvious at first. But they can become real troubles once they've stayed long enough.
貂蝉 你得认清自己的舒适区在哪,在区内和区外需要采取不同的策略。 You should know where your comfort zone is. The strategies you need to take in and outside the zone are different.
妲己 有的人就是适合抓准时机定点打击,所以确定目标才是第一要务。 Some people are good at focusing on one point and striking with full capacity. So the first priority for you should be to identify your target.
不知火舞 每一步动作都应该有充足的理由,随便乱动会死得很惨。 Every move you take should have reasons to back it. Unexamined moves can be very devastating.
安琪拉 不要因为一个人年轻就轻视她,她可能才是这个团队的核心。 Don't underestimate someone just because she is young. She may be the real core of this team.
露娜 不要每次都把力量一次用尽,意料之外的状况比你想象的多。 Don't use up all your energy everytime. There are always more unexpected things than you think.
甄姬 行动的时候不要只想着第一步,有时候真正的力量来自后面的连带效应。 Don't just think about the first strike when you make a move. Sometimes the real power lies in the consequences.
=射手篇= archers 作为一名称职的射手,确保自己的成长,使输出能力比对手高出一截,这才不枉费队友的照顾,后期决胜就靠你们了!
虞姬 有些状况并不需要正面去应对,闪躲的性价比更高。 There are problems that you don't need to address directly. You can get a better cost performance by avoiding them.
孙尚香 在家里也许你是大小姐,但进了职场大家都一样。 Maybe you are a spoiled child back home. But once you come to work you are not different from any other here.
黄忠 不管你经验多么丰富,战斗力多么超群,都不要脱离团队。 No matter how experienced and capable you are, be a team player.
后羿 如果游戏规则变了,就不要还总是想着老方法。 If the rules have changed, then don't keep thinking about the old way.
狄仁杰 不要把脱身之技用于追击,否则你会输给自己的鲁莽。 Don't try to beat the rival with what you prepared for your own excape, or you're gonna be a victim of your own recklessness.
成吉思汗 要找到自己发挥的舞台,不要和别人拼短板。 Find out where you can show your true talent. Don't try to compete with others in what you're not good at.
马可波罗 要想打扫战场,先要确保自己的安全,不要忽视任何一丝可能存在的危机。 If you want to be the one who finish the battle, please make sure it's safe for yourself first. Don't ignore any trait of potential danger.
鲁班7号 不要因为你有一技之长就胡乱使用,它很可能会暴露你的弱点。 Don't be too eager to use a skill just because you're good at it. It may expose your weakness.
李元芳 在没有一身硬功夫之前,不要轻易走出黑暗森林,一旦出来,必须让对手闻风丧胆。 Before you get strong enough, don't step out of the dark forest. But once you show yourself, do make sure that the enemy fears you.
百里守约 别人也许记住的是你每一次的出击,但你要知道自己的核心竞争力在于视野。 The others may remember you for the strikes you made. But you yourself should be clear that your core competitiveness is your vision.
=刺客篇= assassins 作为一名称职的刺客,在合适时机给与敌手致命一击是基本功,在危急时刻明哲保身也是,所以保护自己,努力去拼!
娜可露露 被对手小看有时是件好事,因为他们会主动暴露弱点。 Sometimes it's good for you to be underestimated by the enemy, because they may expose their own weakness in front of you.
百里玄策 拥有换位思考的能力,常常能让你立于不败之地。 Knowing how to stand in others' shoes can give you a better chance of beating them.
阿轲 若不能一套拿下目标,不要恋战,果断退出战场恢复状态。 If you can't kill the target with one set of attacks, don't get obssessed with the fight. Retreat and adjust yourself.
李白 有时候,回到原点才是最明智的选择。 Sometimes your best choice is to return to where you started.
兰陵王 人们总是希望自己一出场就能有所成绩,这是非常危险的。 People always want to get immediate result right after they set out on something. That's very dangerous.
韩信 正面战场也许已经一败涂地,但取胜不是只有一种方式。 You may be losing in the major battle. But there is not only one way to win.
=坦克篇= tanks 作为一名称职的坦克,天职是保护队友,吸收伤害,在残酷的竞争中,让队友们都有发挥自己的空间和满满的安全感。
苏烈 没做好万全的准备不要乱冲,站着不动让人打是很尴尬的。 Don't rush before you have made the perfect preparation. Being a target that doesn't move is very embarrassing.
张飞 把怒气全部撒在对手身上,不要总对自己人张牙舞爪。 Bring your ager to the opponent. Don't dump them on your own people.
梦奇 一种资源可以有很多用法。 There are more than one way to use a single resource.
项羽 不要因为别人说你是什么样,你就变成什么样。 Don't change yourself into someone just because people keep saying that's who you are.
刘禅 如果你可以直戳要害,就不要做无意义的周旋。 If you have the ability to hit the opponent's home, don't waste your energy in pointless fights.
夏侯惇 睁一只眼闭一只眼,不代表我的软弱。 Turning a blind eye doesn't mean I'm weak.
刘邦 无法预测性,比蛮力重要得多。 Unpredictability is way more important than brute force.
牛魔 有些人的强项是激发别人,帮助别人其实也是帮助自己。 Some people's true strength is to make others performing better. Helping others is helping yourself.
廉颇 经验的意义不在于教条式的方法论,而在于更好地掌握节奏。 What experience is all about is not dogmatic methods but a better understanding of the rhythm.
东皇太一 如果你的优势存在于一开始,那就决不能错失这个机会。 If the advantage you have is in the first round, then make sure you don't lose this chance.
程咬金 再强的恢复力也是有极限的,该跑的时候就得跑。 No matter how strong your resilience is, it's limited. Run when it's time to run.
白起 想要嘲讽对手,自身必须实力坚强,不然就是自掘坟墓。 You need to be tough enough to mock at your opponents. Otherwise you're just invite them to destroy you.
=辅助篇= supports 作为一名称职的辅助,不要总想着自己去立功,应该时刻观察场上队友的情况和需要,及时站在他们身边去支援!
明世隐 永远不要小看女仆和秘书。 Never underestimate a maid or a secretary.
孙膑 时间管理是这个时代最需要的技能之一,掌握时间的人掌握一切。 Time management is the most important skill of this age. He who controls time controls everything.
太乙真人 好朋友拉你赚钱的时候千万别犹豫。 Don't hesitate when a friend invite you to make money with him.
姜子牙 任何战术都是设计过的,不要寄希望于“运气”。 All strategies should be designed. Never count on luck.
鬼谷子 有些人的核心能力,是给对手捣乱。 Some people are best at sobotaging the opponents.
大乔 管理者比一般人更应该谨言慎行,含错口号是很严重的。 A manager should be more careful about her words than other employees. False information can bring serious problems.
蔡文姬 或许你并不需要让自己的人比对面强,你只需要让他们撑得更久。 Maybe you don't really need to make your people fiercer than the rival. You just need to make them able to last longer.
庄周 追击对手固然重要,但更重要的,是在关键时刻帮助团队化险为夷脱离困境。 Of course it's important to pursue the enemy. But what's more important is to make sure your team is safe.