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Maximum Occupancy Accommodation Industry Conferenc

A must-attend for hoteliers and accommodation providers of all types, this year's Maximum Occupancy Conference theme will focus on the latest trends, future insights, and everything a hotelier needs to know to maximise revenue, get more direct bookings, and successfully adapt in the ever-changing industry.
must-attend for hoteliers and accommodation providers of all types, this year’s theme will focus on the latest trends, future insights, and everything a hotelier needs to know to maximise revenue, get more direct bookings, and successfully adapt in the ever-changing industry.

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“This year we have mixed up the conference program again and introduced different themes, better speakers, more panel session and more workshops,” said conference organiser Adrian Caruso.

“Each session and workshop will include industry experts and thought leaders from the wide cross-section of the accommodation sector,” Mr. Caruso continued.

Event details

Along with the comforting hong kong accommodation , you also get to enjoy delicious food at restaurant, organize your meetings or conferences, and more.

Where: Hilton Hotel, 488 George St, Sydney NSW 2000 

When: 31 October to 1 November 2018

Click here to view the Maximum Occupancy website and register for the event.

An exciting new addition to the agenda is the Maximum Occupancy Trade Show , which will feature more than 30 dedicated suppliers showcasing their services and products- from new tech, innovative marketing tools, operations, revenue and more.

With over 300+ attendees, this event provides an unmissable opportunity to network with other delegates and be a part of an extensive global network.

The growing list of speakers include:

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Lancemore Group – Julian Clark CEO & president of Accommodation Association of Australia
Triptease - Alex Kahn, Market Manager, Asia pacific (International Keynote Speaker)
Expedia - Drew Bowering, Senior Director, Market Management – Oceania
Quest Apartment Hotels - paul Constantinou, Chairman
Skyscanner - Gianluigi Bazzini, Senior Commercial Managerv Qantas Hotels - Tom Crouch, Senior Digital product Manager
BIG4 Holiday parks – Steven Wright, CEOTripAdvisor – AJ Shantiratnam, Senior Consultant
Booking.com – Tracey Foxall, Regional Manager - Oceania
Best Western Hotels & Resorts – Graham perry, Managing Director – AustralasiaOvolo Hotels – Dave Baswal, COO/CFO
SiteMinder - Dai Williams, SVp Global partnerships

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