| 我钟情于陶渊明笔下的菊花
Tu Xiang Zheng (涂向真)
菊花是中国十大名花之一,被誉为“花中四君子”之一。菊花在秋季盛开,象征着丰收的秋天,因此人们将九月称为“菊月”。诗人陶渊明对菊花情有独钟,他的《饮酒》一诗赋予了菊花“花中隐士”的美誉,广为传诵。陶渊明在《饮酒》中写道: 结庐在人境,而无车马喧。 问君何能尔?心远地自偏。 采菊东篱下,悠然见南山。 山气日夕佳,飞鸟相与还。 此中有真意,欲辩已忘言。 关于诗中“南山”的含义,历来解释众多,但广为认可的是指庐山,这也与陶渊明的故居相关。他是浔阳柴桑(今江西九江西南)人,而浔阳城南正有著名的庐山。我故乡在南昌市新建区,与庐山同处鄱阳湖之滨,因此我对这种说法尤为赞同。 在美国,菊花也触动了诗人们的情怀。十九世纪的诗人伊丽莎白·艾克斯·艾伦在其诗作《菊花》("Chrysanthemums")中,深情地表达了对自然瞬息之美与人类情感之间联系的思考。艾伦擅长将爱、失落和时间流逝等主题融入生动的自然意象中。在这首诗里,菊花象征秋日的辉煌与季节的必然更替。诗人沉思着菊花的精致之美,将它们的生机与对生命无常的忧思并列。艾伦的抒情风格和对感官细节的细腻描绘,让读者在欣赏这短暂之美的同时,也触发内心深处对生命流逝的共鸣。 《菊花》伊丽莎白·埃克斯·艾伦 很久以前,在夏日的暖阳中,我们,你和我,穿梭在花园的迷宫中,它的美丽令人着迷,——紫罗兰甜美地弯下腰,石竹骄傲地挺立着。 从它们嫩绿的屏风中探出头来,宽大的三色堇,像蝴蝶一样披着华丽的色彩;清凉的百合花沾满露水,攀缘的玫瑰花美丽而高大地生长着。 丝绒蜜蜂在芬芳中安逸,陶醉在香气中,歌雀把花园的树荫变成了它们合适的音乐厅,那里的空气都是音乐,整个大地都盛开着鲜花。 那里长着一株植物,完全缺乏花蕾或花朵; —我折断一枝树叶,说道:“冬天会给这些枝干戴上冠冕,这枝干上开着基督的甜美花朵。 ”它绽放,使寒冷的十二月滋养的暴风雨般的阴霾变得欢快;古老的故事里讲到,这美丽的花朵首先在基督诞生的那个神圣的早晨绽放,绽放成洁白的美丽。 “也许——啊,好吧,我们无法说清是否真的如此;我只是重复这个甜美的传说,而我只知道——在圣诞节的黄金时期,基督的甜美花朵绽放。 “比这里的任何地方都更纯净、更清澈,它们的雪白圆盘展开,白得像一颗融化在远处的星星融入早晨的金色,气味无与伦比,它们的芳香边缘持久。 “我为了纪念而折断这根树枝,在雪花飘落之前,我砍下的细枝将在我们的家中生长;那里多么明亮,洁白而美丽,基督的甜美花朵将绽放!” 窗帘遮住了寒冷,——凄冷的雪花飘落;红色的火光落在墙上美丽的图画闪闪发光;在灯光下,基督的甜美花朵绽放出美丽和洁白。 但冰冷而深沉的雪堆覆盖在你沉默的身躯之上;我无法将我的衣褶挡在你和暴风雨之间,——我不敢忍受刺骨的寒风,紧紧地抱住你,让你暖和起来。 而对我来说,什么是轻松和欢乐而我一直知道那寒冷而深沉的雪堆低低地覆盖在你的睡眠之上,我又何必在乎那洁白而美丽的基督的甜美花朵的绽放? 《Chrysanthemums》by Elizabeth Akers Allen Once, long ago in summer's glow, We threaded, you and I, A garden's maze of pleasant ways, Whose beauty charmed the eye, — Where violets bent in sweet content, And pinks stood proud and high. And from their screen of tender green Broad pansies, peeping through, Wore gorgeous dyes like butterflies; Cool lilies kept the dew, And fair and tall along the wall The climbing roses grew. The velvet bees in fragrant ease, Lay drunken with perfume, Song-sparrows made the garden's shade Their fitting concert-room, And all the air was music there, And all the earth was bloom. There grew one plant in utter want Of bud or blossom-dower; — I broke a spray of leaves away, And said, " The winter hour Will crown these stems with diadems, — This bears the Christ's sweet flower. " It cheers with bloom the stormy gloom By chill December nursed; And it is told in stories old That this fair blossom first, On that blest morn when Christ was born, Into white beauty burst. " Perhaps — ah well, we cannot tell If truly it be so; I but repeat the legend sweet, And only this I know, — That in the prime of Christmas time The Christ's sweet flowers blow. " More pure and clear than any here, Their snowy discs unfold, White as a star that melts afar Into the morning's gold, And odor rare above compare, Their fragrant fringes hold. " This branch I break for memory's sake, And ere descends the snow, The slender bough I sever now Within our home shall grow; How brightly there, all white and fair, The Christ's sweet flowers shall blow! " The curtains fold away the cold, — The bleak and drifting snow; Red fire-gleams fall where on the wall The pleasant pictures glow; And fair and white beneath the light The Christ's sweet flowers blow. But cold and deep the snow-drifts heap Above thy silent form; I cannot hold my garment's fold Between thee and the storm, — I cannot dare the bitter air, And clasp thee near and warm. And what to me are light and glee When all the while I know That cold and deep the snow-drifts heap Above thy slumber low, What do I care that white and fair The Christ's sweet flowers blow?