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What to do? The President of the United States is facing a Hamlet-like dilemma!



By Archer Hong Qian




















What to do? The President of the United States is facing a Hamlet-like dilemma!


Look at this visual representation — Trump, due to J.D. Vance’s call for European self-reliance at the Munich Security Conference and the US-Ukraine Mineral Agreement’s peace-promoting approach, has triggered various entanglements. This has led Europe — while grandly supporting Ukraine in public — to continue financially supporting Russia, drawing heavy criticism despite being allies.


This is indeed a Hamlet-like question of our time, one Trump must face!


The President of the United States is facing a Hamlet-like dilemma, torn between profound internal conflicts, difficult decisions, and moral choices.

  • "To be or not to be?" – Perhaps the president is facing a life-or-death political crisis, such as war, economic collapse, or the threat of impeachment.

  • The dilemma of revenge and justice – Maybe the president must decide whether to take harsh action against a country, individual, or political party but fears the consequences could backfire.

  • "Overthinking leads to inaction" – Just as Hamlet delays action due to excessive contemplation, is the president also paralyzed by overanalyzing the situation?

  • Betrayal and conspiracy among allies – If the president has been deceived by advisors, party members, or international allies, he could be trapped in a Hamlet-like tragedy.


What to do? Beyond being tied to Zelensky and addressing American voters by signing the US-Ukraine Mineral Agreement, Trump should also sign a US-Europe Petrochemical Agreement. This would address Europe’s energy needs, cut off Russia’s funding for the war, open US oil and gas production, create jobs, reduce trade deficits, and generate billions in revenue. These funds could fuel domestic emerging industries and support Ukraine, Israel, and the Indo-Pacific — making Trump’s MAGA movement far more effective and adaptable.


Ultimately, the core challenge for Trump’s MAGA movement in the current situation is how to strike a dynamic balance between safeguarding US interests and fulfilling global responsibilities.


Faced with Europe’s contradictory behavior in the Russia-Ukraine war, Trump’s US-Ukraine Mineral Agreement creates substantial mutual interests between the US and Ukraine. But to truly end the war and achieve lasting peace, the US-Europe Petrochemical Agreement is needed. It would ease Europe’s dependence on Russian energy, boost US employment, balance trade deficits, and provide ample resources for domestic development and international aid — enabling the full and effective implementation of the MAGA strategy.


Archer Hong Qian
March 8, 2025, Vancouver

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