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注册日期: 2010-04-12
访问总量: 19,460 次
· Is it suitable to make love at
· If he just look at with the co
· Is love fearless?
· Do I need sex or I need him?
· Does I have a enemy in the lov
· Did a unisex destroy the marri
· Does he has a Monday date?
· Is it suitable to make love at
· If he just look at with the co
· Is love fearless?
· Do I need sex or I need him?
· Does I have a enemy in the lov
· Did a unisex destroy the marri
· Does he has a Monday date?
· What has happend at beach?
· Why he wanted to sit with girl
· Why one wants to have at least
07/01/2010 - 07/31/2010
06/01/2010 - 06/30/2010
05/01/2010 - 05/31/2010
04/01/2010 - 04/30/2010
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Why he donesn't like me to talk with a stranger?

Sometimes it is easy to talk to a stranger when I felt somehow depressed or necessary. However I would rather choose someone look safer, such as the old. They are more patient and commnicable. Recently I mentioned to him that I met our neighbour, how they look like. Or I have a fantastic talk with an old woman met in Station. Every time when I mentioned it, he looks suspicious and give a slight warning.

In my childhood I always remembered that my family has good neighbours. So I feel some small talk, really perceful can really make a better mood. But it seems some danger behind it. I don't believe it is simply a gealous.

Sometimes people are not so friendly to me or had bad coments for him to know. But I have got used to it like it is rainy someday and windy some other day.

A magic key to it: When I open my social relations, he may close it. I talked and he kept silent.

Someday it is maybe opposite, then it is could be chance for him. He may meet nice women and dates. 

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