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资本论是毒药,根本不是工人阶级的圣经 2017-05-25 18:24:08

资本论是毒药,根本不是工人阶级的圣经Capitalism is a poison, not a working class Bible at all.


今年是马克思《资本论》问世150周年,听说有国内宣传理论界要搞纪念活动的传言。在我看来,由于习近平多次强调马克思主义在中国特色社会主义中的指导地位,有些宣传研究部门和高校举办资本论纪念研讨会是预料中事,丝毫不值得奇怪。不过,我坚持认为,马克思的《资本论》作为荒谬的思想理论,不仅不是工人阶级的圣经,而且是工人阶级的毒药,也是人类的毒药。This year marks the 150th anniversary of the publication of Marx's "Capital". I heard that there are rumors that the domestic propaganda theory community should engage in commemorative activities. In my opinion, since Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized the guiding position of Marxism in socialism with Chinese characteristics, it is not surprising that some propaganda and research departments and universities hold capitalist commemorative seminars. However, I insist that Marx's "Capital" as a ridiculous ideological theory is not only the working class's Bible, but also the poison of the working class and the poison of human beings.

一、《资本论》充满对资本的仇恨1. Capital is full of hatred of capital.

《资本论》论资本,在《资本论》中,马克思虽然肯定资本主义前期和早期资本的作用,承认资本主义对封建专制主义的进步,但是一旦资本主义制度得以确立以后,就开始批判资本主义,提出资本主义是必须灭亡的社会。最显著的,是对资本的极度仇视,认为必须废除资本的存在,讲“资本来到世间,从头到脚都滴着血和肮脏的东西”,讲资本家阶级是“多余的阶级”。不过我认为,资本作为在否定封建专制社会后形成的资源要素,在否定人对人的隶属关系以后,资本的所有权就成为重要的人权,反映了人在废除依附关系对财产的权利。不然,在封建专制社会,你连人都属于封建皇权,根本谈不上真正的财产权。只有在推翻封建专制统治以后,才可能有资本的所有权即资本家的存在。并且,资本作为不可或缺的资源要素,资本不是多余,资本家不是“多余的阶级”。马克思妄想消灭资本家阶级,实质是留念于封建的专制统治。"Capital" on capital, in "Capital", although Marx affirmed the role of capitalism in the early stage and early capital, and recognized the progress of capitalism on feudal autocracy, but once the capitalist system was established, it began to criticize capitalism. It is proposed that capitalism is a society that must perish. The most remarkable thing is the extreme hatred of capital. It is believed that the existence of capital must be abolished. It is said that “capital comes to the world, blood and dirty things are dripping from head to toe”, and the capitalist class is “extra class”. However, I believe that capital as a resource element formed after negating the feudal autocratic society, after negating the subordination of human beings, the ownership of capital becomes an important human right, reflecting the person's right to abolish the dependency relationship on property. Otherwise, in the feudal autocratic society, you even belong to the feudal imperial power, and you can't talk about real property rights. Only after the overthrow of feudal autocracy can the ownership of capital be the existence of capitalists. Moreover, capital is an indispensable resource element, capital is not superfluous, and capitalists are not "excessive classes." Marx’s imaginary desire to destroy the capitalist class is essentially to remember the feudal autocratic rule.

二、《资本论》诬陷资本家是剥削者Second, "Capital" framed capitalists are exploiters

马克思《资本论》所以在历史上影响甚大,所谓“工人阶级的圣经”,重要依据是马克思发现了剩余价值,剩余价值是“工人创造的被资本家无偿占有的价值”,得出结论资本家是剥削者,剥削工人的剩余价值。这是整个马克思理论即马克思主义立论的基础。但是,既然在废除人依附于人的封建专制制度以后,在彰显个人自主经济权力的市场经济条件下,资本是稀缺的资源要素,资本所有者即资本家并非是“多余的阶级”,特别是资本家不仅是资本的所有者,很重要的还是创造价值、创造财富的劳动者。这不仅在西方文明世界,就连在马克思主义居统治地位的中国,都不得不承认资本所有者(中国称“私营企业主”)是劳动者、建设者。事实上这就动摇了马克思《资本论》的立论基础。既然资本家也是劳动者,并且是从事复杂劳动的劳动者,可以创造更多的价值,资本家的收入既包括资本所有权形成的利息,也包括自身劳动的价值。这样,在商品总价值中,就包含有工人创造的价值,还有资本家创造的价值,以及因为资本稀缺而产生的资本所有权收入即资本的利息。这里,并不存在谁剥削谁的问题。请问马克思,以及马克思经济学的研究者:剩余价值从何而来?如果剩余价值不存在了,资本家的剥削又从何说起?在我以为,资本主义剥削是马克思彻头彻尾、彻里彻外无中生有的污蔑和诬陷,无端地制造劳资对立,捏造阶级矛盾和斗争。还必须进一步指出,由于《资本论》中的剩余价值理论是经不起推敲、不堪一击的谬论,他的整个经济学体系及马克思主义就如沙上建塔,顷刻瓦解,就是伪科学的存在。Marx's "Capital" has a great influence on history. The so-called "the working class's Bible" is based on the fact that Marx discovered the surplus value. The surplus value is "the value created by the worker who is freely possessed by the capitalist". It is concluded that the capitalist is exploiting. Exploit the surplus value of workers. This is the basis of the entire Marx theory, that is, the Marxist argument. However, since the abolition of the feudal autocracy attached to human beings, under the market economy conditions that demonstrate individual economic power, capital is a scarce resource element, and the capital owner, the capitalist, is not a “superfluous class”, especially a capitalist. Not only the owner of capital, but also the laborers who create value and create wealth. This is not only in the Western civilized world, but even in China, where Marxism is dominant, it has to admit that capital owners (China calls "private business owners") are laborers and builders. In fact, this has shaken the foundation of Marx's Capital. Since the capitalist is also a laborer and a laborer engaged in complex labor, it can create more value. The capitalist's income includes both the interest generated by capital ownership and the value of own labor. In this way, in the total value of goods, it includes the value created by the workers, as well as the value created by the capitalists, and the capital ownership income generated by the scarcity of capital, that is, the interest of the capital. Here, there is no question of who is exploiting. May I ask Marx and the researchers of Marxist economics: Where does the surplus value come from? If the surplus value does not exist, what is the exploitation of the capitalist? In my opinion, capitalist exploitation is the filth and fall of Marx’s out-of-the-box, out-of-the-box, and the unwarranted creation of labor-management confrontation and the fabrication of class contradictions and struggles. It must be further pointed out that since the theory of surplus value in Capital is a public opinion that cannot withstand scrutiny and is vulnerable, his entire economic system and Marxism are like building a tower on the sand, instantly disintegrating, which is pseudo-scientific. presence.

三、《资本论》泯灭人类本性Third, "Capital" annihilates human nature

马克思《资本论》将资本家剥削工人剩余价值的根源归结为私有制,因此他狂妄地提出要消灭私有制。在马克思经济学和他的全部理论中,都是将私有制看作是万恶之源,所以提出了非常响亮的“消灭私有制”的口号。可是,私有制是否如马克思《资本论》所讲的那么万恶?恰恰相反,私有制是人类进步和发展的强大动力。其实,人类按其本性而言,是自利性的,即一事当前,会首先从自身利益考虑问题,进而选择行为。这是亘古不变的经济基因。这种利己本性的根源应该来自于上帝对人类的规定性。上帝造人,由于 人带有原罪,就包含了自私的遗传密码。其实,正因为人类自私才决定了人要信仰上帝,用、公义、诚实、正直来规范自身的利己行为,远离恶事。在经济学中,就是因为人的自私,必然产生永恒不变的私有观念,而私有观念在现实经济生活中外在表现,就是对私有财产的所有权即私有制。马克思《资本论》要消灭私有制,事实上就是反人性,反人性也是反人类。当然,《资本论》提出的公有制理论也是反人性、反人类的。Marx's "Capital" attributed the root cause of the capitalist exploitation of workers' surplus value to private ownership, so he arrogantly proposed to eliminate private ownership. In Marx's economics and all his theories, private ownership is regarded as the source of all evils, so a very loud slogan of "eliminating private ownership" has been put forward. However, is private ownership as ridiculous as Marx's Capital? On the contrary, private ownership is a powerful driving force for human progress and development. In fact, human beings are self-interested in terms of their nature. That is, at present, they will first consider issues from their own interests and then choose behaviors. This is an economic gene that has never changed. The root of this self-interest should come from God's presupposition of human beings. God created man, because man has original sin, it contains a selfish genetic code. In fact, it is precisely because of human selfishness that people want to believe in God, use, justice, honesty, and integrity to regulate their own self-interested behavior and stay away from evil. In economics, it is because of human selfishness that inevitably produces a eternal private concept, and the private concept is externally expressed in real economic life, that is, the ownership of private property is private ownership. In order to eliminate private ownership, Marx's "Capital" is actually anti-humanity, and anti-humanity is also anti-human. Of course, the theory of public ownership proposed in Capital is also anti-human and anti-human.

四、《资本论》对工人是大灾难4. Capital is a catastrophe for workers.

马克思《资本论》打着代表工人利益的幌子和旗号,实质给工人即全体劳动者带来的是噩运和灾难。这在历史上的苏联、东欧以及今天的北朝鲜、中国、古巴、委内瑞拉、越南等号称马克思主义的社会主义国家得到了充分的验证。从苏联开始,先剥夺富人的全部财产,再剥夺穷人的财产,将众人之私化为一己之私,形成了少数特权阶级。所谓公有制,其实就是某些人的“私有制”让劳动者一无所有,自己则垄断一切,无法无天,想什么,有什么;要什么,是什么。核心的要害,是通过对人的占有关系,实现一切的占有。列宁、斯大林如此,中国的毛泽东也如此,没收官僚资本、改造工商资本,将农民刚分得的土地重新收归公有,让所有劳动者成为事实上的无产者。在毛泽东以后的邓小平、江泽民、胡锦涛、习近平无一例外利用手中的权力,先剥夺民众的财富为国家所有,再转化为特权所有,以1%的权贵占有了近50%的财富,同时欺男霸女,充斥着腐败,中国这30多年来经济主要表现为罪恶的增长,牺牲了全体劳动人民的利益。整个社会积累和潜伏着巨大的矛盾和冲突,处处布满干柴烈火。这也反映了资本论的罪恶。《资本论》的实践后果,不是超越资本主义,而是回到封建专制主义,可惜太多的学者对此视而不见、听而不闻。Marx's "Capital" is a scorpion and banner that represents the interests of workers. What is actually brought to the workers, that is, all the workers, is the luck and disaster. This is fully verified in the history of the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, and today's North Korean, Chinese, Cuban, Venezuelan, and Vietnamese so-called Marxist socialist countries. Starting from the Soviet Union, the entire property of the rich was first deprived, and the property of the poor was deprived, and the private beings were turned into their own private interests, forming a few privileged classes. The so-called public ownership is actually that some people's "private system" allows laborers to have nothing, and they monopolize everything, lawlessness, what they think, what they have, what they want, what they are. The key point of the core is to achieve all possession through the possession of people. Lenin and Stalin are like this. Mao Zedong of China is also doing this. It confiscates the bureaucratic capital and transforms the industrial and commercial capital. It re-acquires the land that the peasants have just acquired and makes all the workers become de facto proletarians. After Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao, and Xi Jinping used their powers without exception. They first deprived the people of their wealth and owned them into the state, and then converted them into privileged ownership. They occupied nearly 50% of the wealth with 1% of the dignitaries, and bullied men. The tyrants are full of corruption. China’s economy for the past 30 years has mainly shown its sinful growth and sacrificed the interests of all working people. The entire society has accumulated and lurked huge contradictions and conflicts, and it is full of dry fire. This also reflects the evil of capitalism. The practical consequences of "Capital" are not to go beyond capitalism, but to return to feudal despotism. Unfortunately, too many scholars turn a blind eye to this and ignore it.

当今世界,必须认真和彻底清算马克思《资本论》的荒谬思想和历史罪行。可是在中国,中共仍然坚持马克思主义的领导地位,奉马克思撒旦为老祖宗,并且在高校建立马克思研究院,成立中国特色社会主义政治经济学研究中心。我希望,广大的马克思主义研究者们,能开展平等自由的讨论,认真彻底反思《资本论》和马克思主义的理论思想,走到人类文明进步的正确道路上来。In today's world, we must seriously and thoroughly liquidate the absurd thoughts and historical crimes of Marx's Capital. However, in China, the CCP still adheres to the leadership position of Marxism, and holds Marx Satan as its ancestor, and establishes the Marx Institute in colleges and universities and establishes a research center for socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics. I hope that the vast number of Marxist researchers can carry out discussions on equality and freedom, seriously and thoroughly reflect on the theory of capital and Marxist theory, and move on to the correct path of human civilization.


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作者:frank_ly 留言时间:2017-05-28 03:59:17


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作者:求d三真 回复 9484 留言时间:2017-05-28 00:58:50


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作者:9484 回复 求d三真 留言时间:2017-05-27 17:45:38

以子之矛攻子之盾: 劳动者可不可以同时又是剥削者?这类小学生问题根本无需资本论了。

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作者:求d三真 回复 9484 留言时间:2017-05-27 15:34:28


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作者:9484 留言时间:2017-05-27 03:54:50



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