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中国和俄国不是威胁 2016-11-07 09:39:53

Their economy dwindling, population shrinking, of which 15% are Muslims. They face the biggest clock bomb of Islamic terrorism in the world, and seem quite unable to cut the wire. 

译 冬川豆


Russia is trying to be influential, however it's not even a nice try. Nobody is subject to their soft power, if they ever have any. As the article pointed out, that there's no ideology and vision whatsoever Russia or Mr. Putin could offer. I think that Mr. Putin doesn't even have an agenda or a plan to promote anything or to reshape anything. He just acted manly to show off to Russians his manliness for the sake of his manliness, and of course power grip and personal cult building. Such image engineering effort doesn't work outside Russia. They don't even have made up statistics as China has to look good. China's second hand Admiral Kuznetsov, Liaoning is by itself better equipped and less smoky, though it lacks planes to make itself really matter.


Of course, We are not as corrupt as Russia and China are. But we are becoming more like Russia and China year by year. They are serfdoms, and we are on the road to serfdom. The youngsters are abandoning what it means to be the West under the manipulation of the intelligentsia and the media. We are losing the commanding height, maybe we have already lost it. No young people takes David Hume and Adam Smith seriously, they think that affirmative action and transgenderism represent the values and essence of the West. They take cults as canons and they don't even bother with the canons. Logical and critical thinking almost vanished in our classes, and more food stamps are rationed thoughout our society. 


Yes, we must admit the fact that we are more divided than ever and we have already lost the faith that we could shape the world, making it a better place as we did 150 years ago. In addition to that, we as well lost the courage to face our problems. Europeans have been relying on their governments and welfare institutions for too long until the Eurozone crisis and the refugee crisis broke out. They suddenly discovered their entrusted and beloved nanny states' inability to indentify children among some 40-olds, not to mention the inability to stop terrorism. Now, Molenbeek, a district of Brussels where their highest Soviet is seated, is a hotbed for terrorism and a no police zone. And Sweden now has a rape center called Malmö. The European elites such as the French PM and the mayor of London have made it clear that you folks have to live with terrorism because we don't want to talk about it in case some feelings get hurt. Get your candles and flowers prepared for the next mass murder. 


Such absurdity only happened under Mao's regime, or so I thought. 


Our enemies are not kindergarten goers, they are not bothered by petty feelings. They behead.


The strongest fortresses are always taken from within. It is never the West versus the rest but always the Canon versus the Cult. The West could be never defeated if it doesn't defeat itself. 


Maybe it's time for us to unite behind not the sainthood but an anti-hero who could dust off the choking smog before our eyes and in our minds.


The Islamic invasions of the West are consequences of the decline of the West rather than the causes of it. We don't fix Islam, let them kill each other off, let Russia bomb Aleppo. We didn't pay attention to tens of millions starved to death by Mao, why should we care about a few thousands killed by Al-Assad anyway. What needs to be fixed is the mentality at large in the West. Only that people are more sensitive to bloody consequences rather than the intricate mechanism behind them. 


Trump may be poor at policies. But he dare say that the government is stupid and corrupt, not a solution per se, and political correctness is extremely poisonous to our political discourse, which are true. He has the right direction that Hillary doesn't have.


We have to kick start something needed for long and work on it in the following years with whatever we have and whatever we can do. The Renaissance was not planed, neither was the United States. Good presidents are not usually good scholars; George Washington was not a scholar, neither was Ronald Reagon, maybe with the only exception of Teddy Roosevelt. But a president is in command of an army of scholars with the corresponding mindset, and plans and tactics are made by those people. 


Trump has successfully mobilized tens of millions people who are concerned with the future of this country. A pretty good kick start for a political outsider. Maybe together we could do something, like restoring the freedom of speech. 


No one now has a clear road map of how to reverse the decline of the West. But I think the West at least deserves a death with struggles. You don't sit back and peacefully watch a Muslim or oligarch takeover.


We do not want to be imposed on with a breathe tax simply because some careerist nuts in the academia think this is better for the planet, neither do we want to be bombed to death by some very hairy 40 year-old terrorists who came to this country 3 months ago as children. Taxation and death are both inevitable, but taxation and death out of absurdity are something we try our best to avoid.


· 全文完 ·


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作者:秋念11 留言时间:2016-11-07 12:25:49


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作者:keeeleee 留言时间:2016-11-07 09:52:54


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