“ 怎么天上牛在飞?” “ 那是地上有人吹。” 这两句,合辙押韵,过目不忘,意境挺美哈? 呵呵,万万、万万别误解,是在正话反说,一点儿不是拿博主说事儿。恰恰相反,力赞牛克博 ------- 摆事实讲道理、图文并茂当庭举证牛气哄哄地坦诚高值! 2012年11月18日《美国商业周刊》刊载一篇文章道,加利福尼亚南部大学经济学家理查德·伊斯特林今年4月在《 国家科学院学报》上发表了一项有关过去20年中国人“ 生活满意度”的研究。伊斯特林写道:“人们或许有理由询问, 当人均GDP从最初极低的水平上有了这么大幅度地增长之后, 生活满意度怎么可能没有增进?” Richard A. Easterlin, an economist at the University of Southern California, in April published a study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on “life satisfaction” in China over the past two decades. Even as incomes have risen for all socioeconomic groups, he found that the percentage of people reporting their life satisfaction was “good or very good” had declined markedly from 1990 to 2007 for those of low and moderate incomes, while ticking slightly upward for China’s richest. “One may reasonably ask, how it is possible for life satisfaction not to improve in the face of such a marked advance in per capita GDP from a very low initial level?” Easterlin wrote. “In answer it is pertinent to note the growing evidence of the importance of relative income comparisons and material aspirations in China, which tend to negate the effect of rising income.” In other words, money alone doesn’t bring happiness ---- having more money than your neighbor might. 他说:“回答这个问题时,应该注意到,有越来越多的证据显示, 相对收入的比较和中国人对物质的追求是非常重要的因素。 这些因素会消除收入增长带来的效应。”换句话说, 金钱本身不会带来幸福,比邻居更有钱或许才能让人觉得幸福。 自己有钱不觉啥,知道你比亲属好友、街坊四邻、工友同事有钱,才会油然激发、强化、升华一种隐隐地、潜意识中的、从不明言的、由优越感、欣慰感、得意感、不屑感、傲视群雄感构成的幸福感。 Comparisons are odious 人比人,气死人。当然不是被高耸入云的马云同志气死、而是紧接地气式地气死周边他人的心理强势,亦幽幽隐匿在这种只要我过得比你好的幸福感之中。 http://blog.creaders.net/u/8994/201411/198151.html Incidentally, “ 呵呵呵, 我看你 are fraught of worthless horse droppings / dung / manure.” 有句老话说,法文的门槛,是很高的;英文的走廊,是很长的。这个长,很大程度上,就长在学习掌握 verbal/adjectival collocations 动词/形容词搭配上。 所以,形容词 fraught 后面紧跟的介词,想都不用想,永远是 with, 没有任何例外。 中文多用动词的地方,地道英文却往往善用名词来表示,这正是高端、大气、上档次的英美英文的标志之一。马克吐温他侄孙 ----- 牛克牛博的英文造诣,就很有这一气派。几次观摩、赏析,常常一愣,像是从哪篇英美学术论文里抄袭来的,好厉害。 |