有道理。所以说这个穆斯林小女孩敢如此撒谎未必是有人指使。这件事其实TDSB(多伦多教育局)需要好好反思。因为新闻发布会是他们召集的,在多伦多警察局的初步调查尚未完成之前,新闻发布会已经结束了(根据多伦多星报的Correction - January 16, 2018: This article was edited from a previous version that incorrectly said that according to Toronto Police director of communications, Mark Pugash, the preliminary investigation had already been completed by the time Toronto Police spokesperson Const. Jenifferjit Sidhu arrived on scene. In fact, Pugash said that the press conference had been completed by the time she arrived on the scene.。)可见多伦多教育局及媒体在这件事上显得过于激动,但不够慎重。但多伦多教育局在媒体要求对此乌龙事件评论时,却显得毫无担当,拒绝承认有任何不当。以下是TDSB 对Global News的回复:“We are very thankful the assault did not in fact happen. We won’t be commenting further” 。