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馬天麟《甲骨文龜甲牛骨石刻選編》(一) 2024-07-11 22:42:30


Selected Oracle Bone Inscriptions on Tortoise Shells, Ox Bones and Stone Inscriptions (I)

馬天麟 (Dr. Ma Tianlin)





                    馬天麟  博士   2024年5月1720761843120937.jpg


Chinese oracle bone inscriptions are the earliest recorded characters discovered in Chinese history. These characters were inscribed on tortoise shells or animal bones by our ancestors and were fortunately preserved. However, due to long-term wars, especially after the Qin Dynasty unified the six kingdoms and forced the languages of various countries to be unified, the oracle bone inscriptions left in history were not well preserved and inherited, and are almost unknown to later generations. It has only been 125 years since Huang Yirong, a Qing Dynasty imperial scholar, discovered and started the study of Chinese oracle bone inscriptions in 1898. The exploration and development momentum is quite rapid, but the research results are still limited. This is mainly because this subject is really profound. Despite this, there are still some diligent and studious oracle bone inscription researchers inChinaand other places. At the same time, there are also a few oracle bone inscription calligraphy and painting artists. This makes Chinese oracle bone calligraphy a new branch of traditional Chinese calligraphy. At present, it is indeed very difficult to engage in this art of calligraphy and painting, mainly because our true understanding of this field is still too limited. After years of hard research and investigation, I have accumulated a relatively large database of oracle bone characters and compiled a "Practical Dictionary of Chinese Oracle" with about 2,800 oracle bone characters that can be used to prove the existence of oracle bone characters. Since I also have outstanding skills in calligraphy, painting and seal carving, I carved 57 pieces of oracle bone carvings in the style of ancient oracle bone inscriptions. As the result of my hard work, I included them in this "Selected Oracle Bone Inscriptions on Tortoise Shells, Ox Bones and Stone Inscriptions" to share with the vast number of oracle bone art lovers. I hope that readers can give enthusiastic criticism and corrections after appreciating them. I will be very grateful.












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