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All Carly Are Famous 2012-11-03 20:49:07

Carly is nine years old but already likes to be famous.  One day, in the gym, she told her friend Emily, who is one year younger than her: “ All Carly are famous: Carly Simon, Carly Rae…”  Emily who is always mild, but tough this time, rebutted her: “You are Carly, but you are not famous”.   Carly who always easily get upset, but said proudly this time: “Well, I’m well known in my school.   Actually there are three levels to be famous: first level is well known, second level is popular, third level is famous.” 

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作者:偶灯斯陋 留言时间:2012-11-04 14:12:48
For a nine year old, she's very versed about issues like social status!
The 8- and 9-year olds are quite good with logic reasoning!
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