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终结战争,重建全球共生新秩序计划书 2025-01-03 00:36:07



钱 宏(Archer Hong Qian)


Intersubjective Symbiosism Foundation(Canada)


前  言






1. 一个意外的开端




2. 乌克兰的抗争出乎预料




3. 主权与人权的根本矛盾



  • 工商文明时代的国际秩序基于主权与人权的“平等主体”逻辑,已经无法应对多元化、全球化的新挑战。

  • 必须提升到孞息-AI时代的“交互主体共生”认知与实践,才能突破这一困境。
















1. 推动冲突各方停火与谈判

  • 在国际组织主持下,促使冲突各方立即停火,开展和平谈判,为下一步解决方案奠定基础。


2. 实施“第三条道路”方案


  • 全面撤出:俄罗斯军队撤出1991年国际公认边界内的所有乌克兰占领区,包括克里米亚和顿巴斯地区。

  • 人道归还:归还所有被掳掠的乌克兰儿童,停止对平民的军事威胁。

  • 安全保障:乌克兰军队与国际组织保障俄军撤退的安全,防止新冲突的爆发。

  • 争议地区公投:克里米亚和乌东争议地区的居民将在联合国托管理事会和人权理事会合署机构的监督下,通过民主公投决定未来命运。选项包括:

    • 留在乌克兰,享有高度自治。

    • 成为新的主权国家,并保持中立。

    • 特殊地位(例如联合国托管区)。

  • 50年并入限制:新独立国家在50年内不得并入任何相邻主权国家(如科索沃不得并入阿尔巴尼亚,克里米亚不得并入俄罗斯)。

  • 新国家设立:作为平衡,允许俄罗斯的加里宁格勒州通过公投成为一个中立国家,例如“柯尼斯堡共和国”,并接受国际(欧洲)监督。

  • 免除战争罪追究:国际社会免除对俄罗斯领导人的战争罪追究,以换取其全面配合和平进程。

  • 解冻外汇储备:解除对俄罗斯外汇储备的冻结,用于经济重建和社会发展。


3. 建立国际监督与保障机制


  • 托管理事会的重构:重新激活联合国托管理事会,与人权理事会合署,负责监督公投与中立缓冲区的治理,并最终演化为全球共生理事会(UN Global Symbiosis Council)。

  • 技术赋能监督:利用AI与区块链技术确保监督与执行过程的透明性,防止腐败与不公。


4. 推动“小而美”国家模式


  • 经验借鉴:学习瑞士、比利时、新加坡等成功模式,鼓励多元文化地区建立小型中立国家,以稳定区域局势,促进经济发展。


5. 制定《全球共生公约》

  • 哲学基础:以交互主体共生为核心,制定国际公约,明确国家、社区、个人间的权利与义务。

  • 制度保障:通过公约提供持续和平与合作的法律框架。
























Ending Wars, Rebuilding a New Global Symbiosis Order


By Archer Hong Qian


Institution: Intersubjective Symbiosism Foundation (Canada)





Human history has been fraught with wars and conflicts, bringing profound suffering to all living beings on Earth. In the Xinsi-AI era, the self-organizing and balancing capabilities of individual lives have awakened like never before, enabling the possibility of autonomous community symbiosis. As globalization accelerates and interdependence among nations deepens, there is an urgent need to establish a new international order centered on the "intersubjective symbiosis" of human rights and sovereignty. This order would render any imperial, alliance, or axis attempts to dominate the world factually impossible, paving the way for lasting peace and prosperity.


Problem Statement


I. An Unexpected Beginning

In 2014, Vladimir Putin accepted the results of the Crimean "referendum" and annexed the territory into Russia, a decision that severely undermined international law. Had Putin chosen to reject the referendum's results, he could have occupied the moral high ground, left the issue to the Ukrainian authorities, and avoided escalation. However, his decision transformed Russia's strategy from defensive to expansionist, exacerbating tensions with Ukraine and planting the seeds for deeper conflict.


II. Ukraine’s Unexpected Resistance

In 2022, Russian forces invaded Eastern Ukraine and Kyiv, intending to quickly seize control through a blitzkrieg. However, a “Marvel-like” hero emerged in Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who refused to flee Kyiv. Supported by Javelin anti-tank missiles obtained during Donald Trump’s first term in 2017 and widespread civilian mobilization, Ukraine mounted fierce resistance and thwarted Russia’s plans. What seemed destined for a swift Russian victory turned into a protracted and unpredictable stalemate.


III. The Core Contradiction Between Sovereignty and Human Rights

The Russia-Ukraine War not only revealed military miscalculations but also highlighted the deep contradictions in the current international order: How can we reconcile the principle of “the inviolability of sovereign rights” with “high-threshold national self-determination”?

  • The industrial-era international order, based on the "equal subject" logic of sovereignty and human rights, is inadequate to address the challenges of a diverse, globalized world.

  • It is essential to elevate this framework to the Xinsi-AI era’s paradigm of "intersubjective symbiosis" to overcome these challenges.


Defining Two Core Principles


IV. The Premise of Sovereignty


The protection and maintenance of human rights within a defined region is the fundamental premise of sovereignty.


V. High-Threshold Human Rights and Self-Determination


In cases of severe humanitarian crises, irreconcilable cultural or ethnic conflicts, or escalations to violence within one or more sovereign states, citizen or national self-determination may be exercised to establish a new independent state. However, such a state must not join any neighboring nation to avoid new geopolitical tensions.




VI. End Ongoing Wars and Conflicts


Achieve peaceful resolutions to current international conflicts, particularly the Russia-Ukraine War, to prevent further human suffering and destruction.


VII. Rebuild a New Global Peace Order


Establish a framework for international relations based on the philosophy of intersubjective symbiosis, fostering peaceful coexistence and cooperative development among nations.


Strategies and Measures


VIII. Promoting Ceasefire and Negotiations


Under the auspices of international organizations, facilitate an immediate ceasefire among conflicting parties and initiate peace talks to lay the groundwork for a resolution.


IX. Implementing the “Third Path” Proposal


1. Withdrawal of Russian Forces
  • Complete Withdrawal: Russian forces must fully withdraw from all Ukrainian territories recognized by the 1991 international borders, including Crimea and the Donbas region.

  • Humanitarian Return: Return all abducted Ukrainian children and cease threats to civilians.

  • Security Guarantees: Ukrainian forces and international organizations will ensure the safe withdrawal of Russian troops to prevent renewed conflict.

2. High-Threshold Independence and Neutral Buffer Zones
  • Referenda in Disputed Regions: Residents of Crimea and Eastern Ukraine will decide their future through democratic referenda supervised by a joint body of the UN Trusteeship Council and the Human Rights Council. Options include:

    1. Remaining part of Ukraine with high autonomy.

    2. Establishing a new sovereign state while maintaining neutrality.

    3. Gaining special status (e.g., as a UN trust territory).

  • 50-Year Non-Accession Rule: Newly independent states must not join any neighboring sovereign states for 50 years (e.g., Kosovo cannot join Albania, Crimea cannot join Russia).

3. Adjustment of Kaliningrad Oblast
  • Creation of a New State: As a balancing measure, allow Russia’s Kaliningrad Oblast to hold a referendum to become a neutral state, such as the “Republic of Königsberg,” under international (European) supervision.

4. Concessions from the International Community
  • Waiver of War Crimes Prosecution: Waive war crimes charges against Russian leaders in exchange for full compliance with the peace process.

  • Unfreezing Foreign Reserves: Lift the freeze on Russia’s foreign reserves to support its economic recovery and social development.


X. Establishing International Oversight and Guarantee Mechanisms


  • Reactivating the Trusteeship Council: Revitalize the UN Trusteeship Council and merge it with the Human Rights Council to oversee referenda and the governance of neutral buffer zones, evolving into the Global Symbiosis Council (UN Global Symbiosis Council).

  • Technological Transparency: Use AI and blockchain technology to ensure transparency and fairness in oversight and implementation, preventing corruption and bias.


XI. Promoting the “Small is Beautiful” Model


  • Learning from Success: Draw from the successes of Switzerland, Belgium, and Singapore to encourage the establishment of small, neutral states in multicultural regions, stabilizing regional dynamics and fostering economic growth.


XII. Formulating a “Global Symbiosis Charter”


  • Philosophical Foundation: Develop an international charter rooted in intersubjective symbiosis, delineating the rights and responsibilities of nations, communities, and individuals.

  • Institutional Safeguards: Use the charter to provide a sustainable legal framework for peace and cooperation.

Expected Outcomes


XIII. Achieving Peace in Conflict Zones

  • End the Russia-Ukraine War through peaceful means and stabilize affected regions by addressing the root causes of conflict.

  • Provide a replicable framework for resolving other international conflicts.


XIV. Redefining International Security Frameworks

  • Develop a new model of international relations centered on intersubjective symbiosis.

  • Reduce global conflicts by fostering equitable cooperation and mutual respect among nations.


XV. Integrating Technology and Governance

  • Utilize advanced technologies, such as AI and symbiotic networks, to enable real-time behavior regulation and ensure transparent, efficient international governance.

  • Strengthen the credibility and accountability of global institutions through data-driven decision-making processes.



The core of Ending Wars and Establishing a New Global Order of Symbiosis lies in the innovative "Third Path." By implementing high-threshold self-determination mechanisms, establishing neutral buffer zones, and ensuring oversight through the Global Symbiosis Council, this approach balances sovereignty and human rights to achieve peace and stability. The formulation and adoption of a “Global Symbiosis Charter” further provide a framework for long-term international collaboration.


This strategy not only offers a peaceful resolution to the Russia-Ukraine War but also renders any imperial or hegemonic aspirations factually impossible, marking a new chapter in humanity's journey toward peace and symbiosis.





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