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Preventing COVID-19 viral infections(预防病毒变异传染) 2021-12-18 14:50:50

Reminder again:

Pay attention to preventing COVID-19 viral infections

*E. Xing,  S. Xing, X. R. Yin, R. X. Zhang (Chinese Traditional Culture Study Group

Abstract: It is everybody's responsibility to control the spread of the virus and maintain good health.

Keywords: COVID-19, prevention of the virus, the overall health of the human body, wellbeing


Currently, the development of coronavirus is unforeseeable. As the virus mutates, the effectiveness of previous vaccines may be reduced. Additionally, we do not know the long-term side effects of the vaccines yet. Prevention of this outbreak should rely on trusting science and safeguarding people's overall health.

Other than taking vaccines, we must find other measures to strengthen protection.

The prevention methods

The following shares the specific measures to help with prevention:

1. COVID-19 is transmitted from person to person. Therefore, we must pay attention to protecting ourselves and our environment. At home, each person should maintain a certain distance from others. When outdoors, the direction of the wind influences social distancing.

2. Sleep more during the pandemic. Sleeping improves our body’s immunity and helps fight against the virus.

3. Viruses may be present on objects, so you should consider disinfecting object surfaces.  When buying ready-to-eat food (like takeout), it may be smart to place it in the microwave or use another heating method to kill bacteria and viruses.

4. Clean your hands and nails periodically with soap and water or hand sanitizer. Avoid directly touching objects in public areas when you can. For example, you can wear disposable gloves when fetching packages, shopping, or pushing elevator buttons.

5. Heat can kill the COVID-19 virus. Drink more hot water, tea, soup, or hot mung bean soup. Do not overheat! Eating foods with ginger or drinking ginger water in the morning is also recommended. (According to Chinese tradition, it is not advised to eat ginger at night.)

6. Pour hot water into a bowl or put a towel into hot water and let the steam into your mouth and nostrils, as the virus often enters through the mouth and nasal passageways first.  Consult with a doctor before considering adding alcohol or medicine into the water. Bathing with hot water also helps.

7. Eat protein-rich foods more and vitamin C, E, B, B12, and Zinc in recommended amounts, as COVID-19 virus affects the sense of smell, taste, and may cause fainting (all of which relate to the nervous system).

8. Maintain room temperature, regular ventilation, and regular disinfection, especially in the kitchen and bathroom. Ultraviolet rays can be used as well but should be kept away from children.

9. Exercise in moderation: Exercise strengthens and rehabilitates the body,See references 4, 5.

10. It is important to not be overly anxious or panic; these worries can affect other people. Instead, practice self-regulation of moods. It is best to maintain peace of mind and believe in science. Proverbs 17: 22 in the Bible tells us that “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.” Encourage others and be kind

11. Take extra care to prevent from other illnesses. If going to the hospital is not necessary, avoid it as there is higher exposure to germs in the hospital.

12. The need to wear a mask while playing sports should be considered on a case-by-case basis. If the air circulation is good, the physical distance between people is sufficient, and everyone is healthy, a mask may not be entirely necessary. Avoid using poor quality masks, which can only be harmful. It is necessary to strictly ensure that all PPE meets the standards set by experts.

13. Patients with acute infectious diseases in the hospital must be strictly isolated from each other. Hospitals should follow strict disinfection measures.

14.  The pandemic may affect income, and the government should aid people in solving their financial difficulties.

15. The damage of viruses will gradually diminish. If the virus mutates, both medical diagnosis and treatment drugs need to be changed. Whether the virus will mutate or not is very important because the vaccine lags behind the virus.

16. When a virus breaks out, quarantining/isolation is an age-old solution that has been proven effective. However, we must consider the current day situation. In the past, villages and populations were small, but today, with tall buildings and dense city populations, the government must arrange services for people and ensure their supply of food and materials.

Concluding remarks

Ultimately, there are many non-vaccine precautions one can take to further protect themselves from COVID-19 virus. Allow medical professionals to make the right decisions based on their own judgements. Educate yourselves and care about others. Preventing viral spread is most effective when everyone is considerate and takes part in prevention. Defending against the virus requires action from everyone.



Coronavirus disease


Personal Protective Equipment


1. Zhang Kui, Zhang Liang, Zhang Renxiang, Qu Wenji. Two-way feedback of the human body[J]. Proc. of SPIE, 1992, 1380: 326 -328. Boston, USA. ( in English ).

2. Zhang Liang,  Zhang Kui,  Zhang Renxiang, The two-way feedback and passing-way of the human body[J]. Engineering Science. 2008, 6(2): 37 - 41. ( in English ).  

3. https:///myblog/56053/202003/35352.html ( in Chinese )

4. http://blog.creaders.net/u/3680/202003/369264.html ( in Chinese )    

5. Zhang Renxiang and Zhang Renji. The Theoretical Summary and Mathematics Expression on the Regulation of Life in Meridian Science[J]. Engineering Sciences,2007, 5(1): 32 - 39. ( in English ).

6. Zhang Renxiang, Zhang Renji. Expression of the Meridian Phenomenon in Mathematics[J]. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, 2005, 41(4): 640-641. ( in Chinese )

7. http://m.xiaoyuanyingyu.com/view.php?aid=866 ( in Chinese )

8. http://blog.creaders.net/u/3680/202001/364128.html ( in Chinese )

* The author's name is listed in English alphabetical order.

Corresponding Author: Professor R. X. Zhang  

Email: renxiang.zh@gmail.com

人命关天。全世界由于COVID-19病毒肆虐已经超过500万人丧失生命,Omicron 变种传播速度快,有很多未知数。以上转载一篇,对于当前预防COVID-19病毒变异传染有重要现实意义的学术文章,广为分享。希望能够在疫情快速传播期间为加强防护提供参考。

浏览(6570) (102) 评论(20)
作者:marryleele 留言时间:2021-12-31 18:43:13

According to statistics from Agence France-Presse, the number of people infected with the Omicron virus in a single day has reached one million. This reminder again is too important.

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作者:peter-wang 回复 欣茹 留言时间:2021-12-20 09:19:33




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作者:欣茹 回复 peter-wang 留言时间:2021-12-19 23:08:14



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作者:欣茹 回复 peter-wang 留言时间:2021-12-19 23:00:52



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作者:欣茹 回复 peter-wang 留言时间:2021-12-19 22:57:39



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作者:欣茹 回复 peter-wang 留言时间:2021-12-19 22:50:07



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作者:peter-wang 回复 欣茹 留言时间:2021-12-19 21:25:48


Love your neighbor as yourself, brainstorm ideas, prevent infection, and benefit mankind.

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作者:peter-wang 回复 欣茹 留言时间:2021-12-19 21:23:08



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作者:peter-wang 回复 欣茹 留言时间:2021-12-19 21:17:32



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作者:peter-wang 回复 欣茹 留言时间:2021-12-19 21:10:10


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作者:peter-wang 回复 欣茹 留言时间:2021-12-19 21:05:52


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作者:peter-wang 回复 欣茹 留言时间:2021-12-19 20:51:17



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作者:peter-wang 回复 欣茹 留言时间:2021-12-19 20:48:33



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作者:欣茹 留言时间:2021-12-19 19:16:20


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作者:欣茹 留言时间:2021-12-19 19:13:22


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作者:欣茹 留言时间:2021-12-19 19:08:52


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作者:欣茹 留言时间:2021-12-19 18:59:20

转载的文章对于疫苗的效力,要关注疫苗对人类的后遗症,是不是戴口罩就完全保险,不合格的口罩有害无益,社交距离受到风向的影响,隔离与保障供应不可分,... ... 写得很清楚。为防疫提供了科学提醒,值得广为分享。

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作者:欣茹 留言时间:2021-12-19 18:46:39

Omicron 变种传播速度太快了,而且有很多未知数。转载的专家文章对于当前预防COVID-19病毒变异传染有重要现实意义。

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作者:欣茹 留言时间:2021-12-19 18:40:02

Love your neighbor as yourself, brainstorm ideas, prevent infection, and benefit mankind.

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作者:peter-wang 留言时间:2021-12-18 20:04:00

Thanks for sharing.

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