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5月10日 After Mother's Day 2010-05-10 12:39:37

    This weekend is a little bit slow and I found some fun and sweet by lying besides him. He is reading his book and I just put my hand lightly on his belly,directly under the shirt and meet his skin.

     At night finally he wanted to make a love. How many days has passed, more than three days we just so satisfied by falling into sleep clear and clean. Maybe only a few minutes when we stick to each other, I began to feel soft in mind, some lazy and confortable mood overcome the whole body. He asked to pick a condom, I just say:"Oh." but couldn't get up from the warmth and softness of the body. I just get lost....  .I just heard "I am not finished." then  I was just out of the world and sleep whole night without any dream.

      In the morning I waked up and remembered stopped by "condom " and asked "where you released your eggs. "He just try to be tolerant reply slowly " washroom, out with pi...", "That sound so comfortable, you might enjoy it !"

    That's the sex. Lost and released ,however the best is no dream and washroom diserted eggs.

    The second day we still remembered the nice feeling,especially the warmth, then we try again with eyes open widely.

     The feeling changed,tired and job fun .


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