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What a man? 2010-05-19 22:41:24

 Last night just felt good in mood after completed a small article. The touches on his body became more meaningful which really made him catch the sense. He is just so fantastic to know that I was in it and he moved his body with passion. That really make a difference. I desired for his passion for some time and it just recovered part of our past sweet nights.

After he gave the last shot, I sat on his body and saw him crying. He just said, "how tired I am!". I haven't expected it. I was just so satisfied that he didn't speak those critical words, such as "you just a fat swine, you just a meat....., you such a rebellion..."

It is a amazing fact that I could't accept it. That is a  real him which made all other women tired about me?  I cleaned myself and lay in bed. I gave a response" why don't you think I am tired.", He was such a good guy at the momen and said: Sure, you are also tired."

Everything is just so beautiful, as the men has changed the whold world.




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