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Find a secret! 2010-05-23 17:24:00

  When he went to work, I like to read his ESL (English languge course) Text paper. It is good feeling that I know what he is studying and sometime his smar score in quizz. Maybe I can find some secrete!

   One day I found a piece of paper with a figure drawing on the back. That's definitely by a female. After asking he replied that was the paper he missed and got from a classmate. It is not that Ok, but I had to think hard and  I decided to let him go and went downstairs to make a new copy.

 Another day I found he wrote down a name and a nice sentence on a piece of paper. I felt so nervous, however, I just controled the strange emotions speading all over the body and checked the name on the internet. OK, it is a famous person in here for business AD.Even though anther female in his mind. At least I know he was seriously absent in mind from the class,  supposed to be bored there.




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