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Hair in bed? 2010-06-19 11:36:52

That's something really awful for a wife to discover it, but finally I gave the reason for the trust.

This morning I cleaned up the bed after he left, and it is horrible that I found some hair on his side. I tried to recognized the hair: short is his hair, he lost more hair now, longer one I don't think it is my hair, it is thinner and someone middle length. hair seems from body hair definitely that very private part, but I can't distinguish his or mine or someone else.

I felt not good for around half an hour then I decided to give him a call to ask. It got through with hesitation. I ask: Have you brought someone to home, I found so many hair in bed. The reply is nothing.

Yesterday I didn't clean up the bed as usual and the day before yesterday I just went out for a walk most of time i stayed at home. Something special was when I went home from market, he has been back home but not in the sitting room but layed down in bedroom. I nearly thought he was not at home. I was just tired and went to bed so early.

In a kind way and how I trust him in my heart, it is a blame for not cleaning up the bed yesterday. At the other hand there is some intruder came in while both of us were not at home. I don't know how can I trust a relationship with so much problems and unsatisfaction. Some day before I dired I hope that I can make the life much clearer.



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