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No kiss is that mean everything comes to the end? 2010-06-19 11:47:25

  I don't know how long he doesn't kiss and he even didn't touch my body except ass.

 Now I have got used to it, when I think about a kiss, I feel sick. Whoever he is in mind, I could't enjoy a sticky mouth . But the body has all the feelings which curious in love and desire to meet the other part to connect.

 As I know about him, he concentrated so much in his job and he can either choose romantic outdoor activity or a sexy night. That's enough for the whole week to enjoy, but not finish every part at one night.

 He is somehow conscience person but I don't think it is an excuse for repeating mistakes. If he has some women in mind or he just has strong feeling for some women, he can cheat but he can't make me enjoy an companier at the other side of his mind.  

As explaied in all the articles on the internet, it is a sigh that men has a very close girlfriend somewhere. But I can't discover it. When I have such questions and even ask with anger, he will give me a very serious warning. The fight can be destroyable for our kind image.







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