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混在美国名校(127)---从结束到开始之必须结束 2011-07-25 07:43:35

第十九章                        从结束到开始


















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作者:海攀 留言时间:2011-07-26 17:50:02


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作者:Vincent99 留言时间:2011-07-25 20:46:42
Not because I lost hope for true love. With kids growing up, have been thinking of sound advice for them when they are making decisions regarding relationship and marriage. What kind of advice you would like to give to a daughter and a son.
In order for them to get the best out of their potential, a boy should only get serious after they make certain amount ($2m?)? Seems a safer bet. A girl should never marry a guy with < certain amount? You gril go for the best! After tieing the knot (maybe even get a couple of kids), if TRUE love being found again, the husband can go for second or more choices if he gets even more money? And the wife can settle for additonal changes if much richer guys showed sincere interest on her?
If a married son just made $25m, do you support him getting a new wife with TRUE love? Even if that new love is already someone's wife. Or if a married daughter was shown sincere interest by another man who is much richer than her husband and she found the TRUE love again, do you support her running away with the newly found TRUE love?
The social value in China is hard to believe. But in US, maybe some people look down at Lewinsky and maybe some think that's true love at the time. Even "Indecent proposal" started with a one night stand, and the wife seemed find the true love with that rich old guy, and the rich guy were in true love with her. The conclusion of that movie went with the director's intention and what the society wanted to see then. But you have a kind of true story, and it seems by your novel that extramarital affair can be justified if TRUE love is invloved.

I would guess, if Xiaojing went along with Wei's boss, Wei and his groupmate can file a lawsuit against the professor for sexal hassment. In university, professor is kind of prohibited from dating his/her student. Because the profesor is belived to give that sudent unfair treatment, which causes other students a disadvantage. If that happens, Wei can get some out of this mess, and may find true love, and find somebody who can support (at least mentally) him during the hard, long Ph.D. study.
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作者:海攀 留言时间:2011-07-25 17:28:50
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作者:Vincent99 留言时间:2011-07-25 10:52:15
Thanks for the kind of real life on-line novel. I can see where the stroy is gonna lead to. Reading it, I finnaly understand more about marriage and love and women. There are people passionate about love. A man should never marry such kind of girl if he doesn't make a fortune. At least don't treat seriously. Understand we're all human being, can't blame a person pursue for excellence in life. A lot of extramarital affairs happend because people find true love out of their marriage. For a girl, looks like she should go for it if she can get better life with a true love out of marriage. A guy, after getting rich, may find his wife doesnot really fit into his sweatheart profile. An angel arrives, he can embrace the new beauty by leaving his wife.
Looks like, moral does not worth a penny. You should be always ready for a change of heart. Your spouse may be the best when you get married. I'm sure you can always find someone better down the road. Maybe at that time you find yourself in a "TRUE" love, I mean AGAIN.
I thought when you get married, you're supposed to say something like ...
I, ____, take you, ____, to be my (husband/wife). I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life. I, ____, take you, ____, for my lawful (husband/wife), to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.
Is that foolish or what?
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