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谈国人的思维方式(edited) 2013-01-09 11:37:00



道,在老子那里,不可说。如果说出来,就不是道了:“道之道非常道”。但在《周易》中又有“一阴一阳之谓道”的思想。这就是道的两个方向发展的开始,既,天道和人道。孔子继承了老子和道家的思想,认为道是历史规律,不可抗拒:“道之将行也与,命也;道之将废也与,命也"(《宪问》。孔子所说的“道 ”,也是“中庸之道”,又是一种方法,既人道的部分。到了西汉,董仲舒认为,道是天没错,但这个天是有意志的,所以有了“天人感应”的说法。他的“三纲五常”,从天到人,确立了一套思想,将天道与人道结合起来,为社会管理,为朝廷所采用。从此以后,奠定了儒家的学术统治地位。也就是说,学术只有为政治服务了,才得宠成为“一花独放”。道的解释,到了北宋周敦颐,成了“理”的概念。然后经过“二程”,经弟弟程颢为朱熹发展为“外在的理”。经哥哥程颐,被陆九渊,王阳明继承,发展为“心”的哲学。明清后来的哲学家如黄宗羲,王夫之等,基本以理学为主,并逐步走向唯物的方向“经验主义”,注重气而非理。加上官方的对理学的支持,使而心学一派则是处在偏旁地位。从模糊的天地,发展到从天道到人道,社会行为规范的变化过程。
















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作者:stinger 留言时间:2013-01-09 18:00:21
Articles From The Classical Teacher
How to Teach Logic
by Martin Cothran
Classical Teacher, Summer 2005

Every subject that is systematic has a certain inherent order to it that dictates how it should be approached. In some subjects this order is more explicit than others. In mathematics, for example, there is a widely acknowledged sequence in terms of what should be learned and when it should be taught. In other subjects, however, such as history, there is much less agreement on how and when certain things should be taught. Mathematics is a systematic subject, whereas history is not.

The subject of logic is, in large part, about order, and so we should not be surprised to find that there is a fairly explicit and well-defined approach that Christian educators can take to the subject.

When to Begin the Study of Logic
One of the most common questions parents and teachers interested in classical education ask about logic is: when should they start teaching it to their students?
The answer, of course, is: “When he or she is ready.” This usually happens around 7th Grade. It is at this age (about 12-13) that many children begin to seriously investigate the reasons for things. They are no longer satisfied with the concrete, but are beginning to understand and appreciate abstract ideas.

Children are not totally unfamiliar with abstract ideas even at this time. They have already encountered them in mathematics. But, whereas mathematics deals with abstraction in the realm of quantitative relationships, logic deals with abstraction in the realm of qualitative relationships. Both math and logic deal with abstraction, but math does it with quantities; logic (at least in its traditional form) does it with language.

We should point out that most modern logicians disagree with this. They view math as an extension of logic, and because of this, their logic—the system of modern logic—is very mathematical. But here we are discussing traditional logic, which is very different from modern mathematical or symbolic logic.

The Different Kinds of Logic
Let’s point out first that there are two main divisions in logic: formal logic and material logic. Formal logic studies the form of reasoning, whereas material logic deals with the content of reasoning. Formal logic is divided, in turn, between deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning. Deductive logic reasons from universal truths to particular conclusions. This is the kind of logic the student encounters when he studies arguments such as:

All men are mortal
Socrates is a man
Therefore, Socrates is mortal

The argument begins with a universal truth, “All men are mortal,” and ends up with a particular truth: “Socrates is mortal.”

Inductive logic reasons from particular facts to universal conclusions. Here is an example:

Every mammal that has ever been examined has hair
Therefore, all mammals have hair

Here, specific instances of mammals being found with hair is said to justify the general conclusion that all mammals have hair.

Sophistical reasoning studies fallacies that really belong in the various other parts of logic but are collected together for the convenience of being able to study incorrect reasoning under one heading.

So, given this breakdown, let’s set forth several rules governing the sequence of logic study:

Rule #1: Study good reasoning first—fallacies later.
What this rule says is this: teach correct reasoning first, and incorrect reasoning only after correct reasoning is understood. An understanding of correct reasoning will enable students, in most cases, to spot bad reasoning even if they have never formally learned to identify bad reasoning. Note that we cannot say the opposite: that students will learn how to spot good reasoning by having studied examples of bad reasoning. In other words, by learning the rules of good reasoning, a student learns to spot bad reasoning as well; but learning about bad reasoning does not enable him to spot good reasoning.

This rule flies in the face of the way logic is often taught. In fact, it is not uncommon for only fallacies to be taught—to the exclusion of all else. Of course, we would not tolerate this way of doing things in any other subject. Can you imagine teaching students a list of the things that did not happen in history, expecting them to learn what actually did happen from these falsities? Or exposing them to examples of bad writing as a preparation for writing well? If a science teacher spent a whole year having his students examine great experiments that failed, we might suggest he find another line of work.

Rule #2: Study formal logic before material logic.
One reason we study formal logic before material logic has to do with the structure of these two parts of logic. Formal logic is extremely systematic in its structure, whereas material logic is less so. This is not to say that material logic does not have structure to it. Many aspects of material logic are taught under the labels of “informal logic” or “thinking skills” programs. These are often a hodgepodge of informal logic topics loosely organized and accompanied by other thinking skills that are called logic only by textbook writers and educationists who know little about the philosophical discipline of logic. The medieval discipline of material logic is a fairly well understood category of knowledge that, if not as structured as formal logic, is much less inscrutable than some educational material might make it appear.

The other reason for placing formal logic ahead of material logic in our sequence is simple pedagogical necessity. Material logic studies the content of reasoning and is best studied after students have a good grounding in what to do with this content once they have it—a skill taught in formal logic.

Rule #3: Study Deduction before Induction.
This is a fairly common procedure in most logic texts. The reason for it has to do with the fact that deduction is not only more simple and straightforward than induction, but that deduction is a more fundamental thinking skill than induction. When asked why we believe something, we are much more likely to resort to deduction (usually an incomplete one) than induction. The reason is very simple: induction, by its nature, seeks a laboratory—or maybe the assistance of a magnifying glass and a deerstalker cap. Deduction requires only a comfortable chair—and a little concentration. Induction is more the province of the expert; deduction is the right of the amateur. And, let’s face it, most of us are amateurs in most things.

In addition, as G. K. Chesterton once put it, “Every induction leads to a deduction.” Induction, in other words, requires a deduction to complete it; deduction needs no company.

While, as we have already observed, logic is not the same thing as math, it does share one important characteristic with mathematical disciplines: it is systematic and orderly. If a subject should be studied according to its inherent nature, and the inherent nature of logic is orderly, then it doesn’t take a great logician to conclude that that’s the way it should be studied.

Martin Cothran is the author of Traditional Logic, Books I and II, Material Logic, and Classical Rhetoric with Aristotle, all published by Memoria Press. He is also the managing editor of the “Classical Teacher.”
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作者:stinger 留言时间:2013-01-09 16:28:07
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作者:嘎拉哈 留言时间:2013-01-09 16:20:17

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作者:stinger 留言时间:2013-01-09 16:10:12
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作者:嘎拉哈 留言时间:2013-01-09 15:59:37

----- 俺这个不元不方不是这么看低。台湾,南韩,日本,甚至香港都告诉俺。制度是个纲,纲举目张。只要把“教育为政治服务”,改为“教育为真理服务”,那末“西方从小就有”的那点玩意可以说是一学就会。No big deal。
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作者:stinger 留言时间:2013-01-09 15:51:41

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作者:嘎拉哈 留言时间:2013-01-09 15:48:57
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作者:stinger 留言时间:2013-01-09 15:48:15
“才绝对结婚生子?” 是



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作者:stinger 留言时间:2013-01-09 15:34:29

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作者:嘎拉哈 留言时间:2013-01-09 15:31:02

----- 您是否在告诉大家西方人个个都接受柏拉图的思维思想 ? 您的“绝对”不就是这个玩意吗? 至少科学思维,或西方思维,它不是形而上学的,而且没有那么神嘻嘻。如果俺冤枉了您,俺道歉。
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作者:stinger 留言时间:2013-01-09 15:20:33

“绝对”的概念,不是“科学思维”!- 我的大科学家。不要张冠李戴!
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作者:嘎拉哈 留言时间:2013-01-09 15:13:53

在中国出来的就不同了,教授和老师都没有这个训练,当然不可能教给学生了。不要期待每个人都是亚里士多德,来"re-invent the wheel“。】

----- 这也正是俺今天的负面评论的原因。在您这里,“科学思维”成了一个幌子。什么是科学思维? 科学思维不是简单地把自己的胡思乱想前面加上“科学”或“哲学”二字就了事了。比如您的那个“绝对”,不管是你已经思考了10 年或二十年,都不一定是有意义的。因为,争论这个绝对,如同争论上帝是否存在是一回事。无论您是多么肯定它的存在,都不属于“科学思维”。您大概又要争辩了,因为科学思维里面有“悟性”一说,老嘎凭什么俺的认知就不是一种悟性?


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作者:stinger 留言时间:2013-01-09 15:06:32

-- 根本不是谁聪明谁笨的问题。中国没有人教“认识论”,不是每个人都在“认识”吗?不过是不完善的。正向中国古代没有语法理论,难道就不说话了吗?但现在要对语言进行计算机信息处理,必须讲语法。


-- 灌输是“救火”。在西方从小就有,不用灌输了。中国是特例。不懂则慢慢学,没别的办法。


-- 道德与认识方法是两回事,如同兔鸭不是一人。
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作者:嘎拉哈 留言时间:2013-01-09 14:34:22
俺一直有一种感觉,俺认为老百姓比哲学家其实聪明的多。教老百姓玩认识论不仅非常危险,而且没有必要。这最大的问题是,连知识分子自己都搞不清楚,争论不休的西,如何付诸实践?比如,如果您认为是马克思的哲学给造中国造成了灾难,那末有两个选择:1. 用更好的认识论, 比如范例,替代马克思主义; 2. 放弃一切以哲学理论去指导实践的思维模式。俺坚决支持第二个选择。


在社会道德中,公平正义是最最基本的,最能够让老百姓听的懂的哲学ABC.哲学家们每天靠着胡思乱想, 自以为聪明,其实早已落在了老百姓的后面。
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作者:stinger 留言时间:2013-01-09 14:01:41


在中国出来的就不同了,教授和老师都没有这个训练,当然不可能教给学生了。不要期待每个人都是亚里士多德,来"re-invent the wheel“。
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作者:嘎拉哈 留言时间:2013-01-09 13:50:52
说的对。俺也认为如果俺自己都不懂,那末俺猜测大概至少50%的中国老百姓也都不会懂。但问题不在这里。俺认为中华民族作为一个整体,智力上同西方人差不多。您不会认为古希腊人个个都是哲学家吧? 假定把美国用时间旅行的办法搬回几千年,并让他们完全重复一次中国的历史路径。今天美国人民的认知水平很可能会同今天的中国人一模一样。

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作者:stinger 留言时间:2013-01-09 13:37:15
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作者:何岸泉 留言时间:2013-01-09 13:30:20
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作者:stinger 留言时间:2013-01-09 13:30:18

找点关于“epistemology” 看看。然后再来讨论。

(for your own benefit)
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作者:stinger 留言时间:2013-01-09 13:17:32

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作者:嘎拉哈 留言时间:2013-01-09 13:12:48

----- 如果说中国梦就是一场糊涂梦的话,那么俺过去读兔子的文章,从来没有如此糊涂过。什么乱七八糟的东西。 兔子是否认为除非全中国人民都成为哲学家,或掌握了“科学思维方法”,否则中国崛起是空谈 ?
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