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范儿1253—MILF(续一):恒心与自律是成功人生的永恒的原动力 2016-08-03 23:33:40

藤儿点评:在华人圈子里,英文首字母缩略词MILF的使用还谈不上流行。简单来说,MILF就是一个有家庭有孩子的已婚女人的性取向,比较贴切的中文对应被称作[风骚辣妈 ]。如果一个风骚辣妈一接触到自己婚外的男人就有了“来电”的感觉,她定会从施舍点小恩小惠开始,逐渐会对这个男人倍加关心和照顾,经常会有快乐和肉麻的短信或电话相约见面。如果这个男人对她一呼百应,她会千方百计地做到滴水之恩涌泉相报。[风骚辣妈]的捕猎对象常常是已婚有家室的男人,如果你属于这一类型的男人,是否能够抵挡得住[风骚辣妈]的色诱?

曾经,加拿大B.C .省长Christy Clark 应邀在摇滚电台节目中与听众互动,不幸陷入“MILF门”丑闻事件曝光,随即演变成了一场政治风波。在北美,如果一个普通有孩子的已婚女人自由地表达自己的性取向,不会引来轩然大波。然而作为名女人,就有天壤之别了。Christy Clark 已婚有两个孩子,难怪摇滚电台的听众对她“性”趣盎然。Jet FM主持人魏康姆斯(Justion"Drex" Wilcomes)去年12月中旬在节目上,代表一位听众向简蕙芝提问,询及身为「风骚辣妈」(MILF )的感觉。Christy Clark对提问报以开心一笑,居然迅速给出了自己的答案:她笑称「风骚辣妈」(MILF)总比「饥渴熟女」(cougar)来得好。(注:后者热衷于老牛吃嫩草。)

这次“MILF门”丑闻事件,最终导致电台Jet FM主持人魏康姆斯(Justion"Drex" Wilcomes)被资方解雇。加拿大B.C .省长 Christy Clark 应该设法帮助他找回一份电台的工作,以彰显加拿大的言论自由。



MADDEAUX: Celeb moms reclaim MILF label

Sabrina Maddeaux

Kim Kardashian, pictured with North West, is reclaiming what it means to be a MILF.

Kim Kardashian, pictured with North West, is reclaiming what it means to be a MILF.

The MILF has come a long way since Stifler’s mom. The term has long been used to mock mothers who don’t act or look their age (as defined by society) and who dare to exude sex appeal when, as we all know, moms should basically act like nuns. But today’s moms are reclaiming the word and using it to embrace their power and sexuality. The MILF movement is changing how we view motherhood and what it means to be a mom.

Women are often dismissed in our culture, but moms have it even worse. They’re ridiculed for their beauty and fashion (“mom hair,” “mom jeans”) and told that pregnancy will ruin their bodies and sex lives. When the Fashion Police talk about a pregnant celebrity on the red carpet, it sounds like they’re discussing someone struggling to overcome a terrible disease rather than growing a precious new life inside of them.

Fashion and beauty magazines often focus their tips on how to not look like a mom (for example, how to get your body back) rather than how to make motherhood sexy in and of itself. And let’s not forget how mothers are often shunned from the workplace.

Although motherhood is an essential and beautiful part of humanity, we ironically so often punish women for it.

The latest cohort of celeb moms is changing this and reclaiming the word MILF. Kim Kardashian still poses for naked selfies, Chrissy Teigen has been outspoken about “mommy shaming,” and recently Fergie released her music video for M.I.L.F.$ featuring hot moms Kim, Chrissy, Ciara and Alessandra Ambrosio, among other, strutting their stuff unapologetically. Beyoncé hasn’t toned down her lyrics or dance moves one bit — she owns being a power mom and singing about getting it on in the back of a limousine.

These women are turning the typical image of a mom on its head and empowering mothers to embrace their sexuality. Mothers across pop culture platforms are breaking free of stereotypical constraints to live fuller, more complex lives.

Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell and Kathryn Hahn star in Bad Moms, a comedy that sees three stressed-out moms ditch their daily responsibilities and enjoy a wild run of freedom. These moms are tired of society telling them how to look and act, and set themselves up for a showdown with PTA queen “perfect” mom Gwendolyn.

Sitcom moms used to do little more than nag their husbands and pack kids’ lunches. Now, they are mutlti-faceted like Winona Ryder’s character in Netflix hit Stranger Things.

“Usually the roles that you get offered — the ‘mom’ roles — are very much the mom role,” said Ryder at the Television Critics Association summer press tour. “Like standing in the doorway, [saying], ‘Oh, you kids!’ [Those roles] are only really there [to exist], so this was different because Joyce was much more than just something to service the plot.”

Finally, being a mom on and off screen is about so much more than just being a mom. Moms can be complicated, sexy, flawed and funny. If you ask me, MILFs have never looked so good.

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