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  Time,Space and Mind
Wham - Careless Whisper 2006-11-17 12:18:18

Careless Whisper
George Michael

Time can never mend the careless whispers of a good friend
To the heart and mind, ignorance is kind
There\'s no comfort in the truth
Pain is all you\'ll find

Should\'ve known better

I feel so unsure
As I take your hand and lead you to the dance floor
As the music dies, something in your eyes
Calls to mind the silver screen
And all its sad good-byes

I\'m never gonna dance again
Guilty feet have got no rhythm
Though it\'s easy to pretend
I know you\'re not a fool

Should\'ve known better than to cheat a friend
And waste the chance that I\'ve been given
So I\'m never gonna dance again
The way I danced with you

Time can never mend
The careless whispers of a good friend
To the heart and mind
Ignorance is kind
There\'s no comfort in the truth
Pain is all you\'ll find

I\'m never gonna dance again
Guilty feet have got no rhythm
Though it\'s easy to pretend
I know you\'re not a fool

Should\'ve known better than to cheat a friend
And waste a chance that I\'ve been given
So I\'m never gonna dance again
The way I danced with you

Never without your love

Tonight the music seems so loud
I wish that we could lose this crowd
Maybe it\'s better this way
We\'d hurt each other with the things we\'d want to say

We could have been so good together
We could have lived this dance forever
But now who\'s gonna dance with me
Please stay

And I\'m never gonna dance again
Guilty feet have got no rhythm
Though it\'s easy to pretend
I know you\'re not a fool

Should\'ve known better than to cheat a friend
And waste a chance that I\'ve been given
So I\'m never gonna dance again
The way I danced with you

(Now that you\'re gone) Now that you\'re gone
(Now that you\'re gone) What I did so wrong
So wrong that you had to leave me alone
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Kant ,23岁
来自: USA
注册日期: 2006-10-26
访问总量: 85,698 次
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