When I turned the cover page of the latest issue of People magazine (September 10, 2012), the picture of "the Voice" with 4 American judges attracted my attention right way. It reminded me of the hot TV program in China nowadays "the Voice of China" which we liked very much. From online research, we realized that it originated from Holland (The Voice Holland, First episode: September 17, 2010, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXueZjUHJ1c&feature=related). Then it spread to America (The Voice, First episode: April 26, 2011, http://my.tv.sohu.com/u/pw/5029728_1_1). Followed by England (The Voice UK, First episode: March 24, 2012, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BX38z_Ar9yI&feature=relmfu). Finally it reached China (The Voice of China, First episode: 13 July 2012 (2012-07-13), http://tv.sohu.com/zghsy/). They are the same kind of TV show. Four judges site on the swivel chairs, facing to opposite direction to the singers. Their selections of singers are solely based on their hearing of the voice and music, regardless of the performer's age, appearance, figure and the background or even the physical conditions. They all utilized the same competitive format that has been popular and deeply loved since the ancient Rome. When this format is applied to music, it injects doubly the vitality and glamour in the songs. The Voice of China has the first class judges we are familiar with, the top level singers from every social stratum all over the country. There are not only so many songs, lyrics and melodies, but also a lot of scenes and personal stories told by the singers, which left deep impressions on us, touching the tenderest place in our hearts and bringing tears to our eyes, such as: 中国好声音导师全转身实力唱将盘点: http://video.sina.com.cn/p/ent/y/2012-08-21/143161845929.html 徐海星《自己》120713 中国好声音: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDI3MTAyNzY4.html 金志文:為愛癡狂(中国好声音-20120803: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JVOCbqs3m8 梁靜茹-會呼吸的痛MV: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVr_cM_d55I 中国好声音 2012 曹寅《会呼吸的痛》120817 中国好声音: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDQwMzA4MTQ4.html 蘇打綠 小情歌 英文 Little Love Song sodagreen xiao qing ge English Sub: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8s78s35DLs 王琪玮PK多亮《小情歌》: http://tv.sohu.com/20120818/n350952072.shtml 中国好声音第七期 刘欢组14进7 徐海星 vs 陈斌《美女与野兽》: http://v.qq.com/cover/x/x2ni575bks6qhti/f00110aojwp.html Celine Dion & Peabo Bryson - Beauty And The Beast (HQ Official Music Video): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgYEJHJXFB4&feature=related 《中国好声音》精华版 陈斌徐海星献唱《美女与野兽》 评委盛赞二人有默契: http://tv.sohu.com/20120824/n351484835.shtml 中国好声音第九期120907 那英组14进7 多亮 vs 王琪玮《等你爱我》: http://v.qq.com/cover/b/bj4r3dwt8vbx8sv/r0011hpmnre.html 中国好声音第十期 杨坤组7进4 金志文《没那么简单》: http://v.qq.com/cover/y/yym4ttbreklipho/p00110lw59n.html 中国好声音第八期 哈林队7进4 王韵壹《不了情》: http://v.qq.com/cover/8/8g2bh40uh21ky9s/s00112d38r8.html 第九期中国好声音★张赫宣VS卓义峰《无言》The Voice of China: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCUas4adAno 中国好声音 汪峰黄勇合唱《北京北京》: http://video.sina.com.cn/p/ent/y/2012-09-14/213361864665.html 中国好声音杨坤组 关喆PK张玮琪 《Don't break my heart》: http://video.sina.com.cn/p/ent/y/2012-09-14/222061864671.html 与《中国好声音》相平行的另一个节目是《中国梦想秀》 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzk1MDE5NTcy.html |