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Talent Shows:dreams coming true 2012-10-19 18:13:04

In recent years, different Talent shows are mushrooming across the world.  Especially like Britain's got Talent, China’s got Talent and American Idol, etc. These phenomena reflect an ideological revolution which completely overthrows people's deep-rooted concept about stardom.  They bring opportunities to everyone who is talented and has a dream, no matter where they come from, who they are, what they do and how old they are or how they look like.  Also, no matter how ordinary their backgrounds are.  Or how disadvantage they might be, physically or mentally.  So long as they have dreams and they believe in miracle.

The Talent Shows make people's dream come true.  Susan Boyle
is a very convincing example.  As early as in April 2009, Susan Boyle, an ordinary contestant appeared on the stage of show "Britain's Got Talent".  A miracle occurred as in fairy-tales.   When she said her wish was to become as successful as British singer-actress Elaine Paige, acerbic judge Simon Cowell smirked mockingly, judging her on her looks. But behind her somewhat unkempt appearance hid a magnificent voice that even stunned the famously critical Cowell.

As soon as Boyle started singing, the audience cheered with amazement as her strong voice took over the theater. After a breathless silence during Boyle's performance, the audience burst into a standing ovation. Piers Morgan, one of the judges, admitted that he was impressed and said, "That was the biggest surprise I have had in three years of the show.  You said you wanted to be like Elaine Paige and everyone laughed at you. Well no one is laughing now."
Another judge, Amanda Holden, was almost brought to tears by Boyle's performance. "I am just thrilled," she said. "I think we were all guilty of being cynical before. It was a complete privilege to hear you."
The most cynical of judges, Cowell had a harder time admitting he misjudged Boyle before. "I knew the minute you walked out on that stage that we were going to hear something extraordinary, and I was right," he said of the unemployed woman from West Lothian, Scotland.

By viewing the judges’ vivid statements and changes in their facial expressions, we realized the deeply the essence of Talent Shows.

Susan got the biggest 3 Yeses and just like she said “my dream comes true”.  Then she became a British and worldwide singing superstar.

Susan Boyle - Britains Got Talent 2009 Episode 1 - Saturday 11th April:


Susan Boyle- I dreamed a dream lyrics:


Susan Boyle Semi Final *EXTENDED EDITION* - Britain's Got Talent:


Just as Susan Boyle brought shocks and inspirations to audience and judges alike, many many other performers moved us and brought us enjoyment and a new world of entertainment, which has never been seen before.
I enjoy watching the shows.  They bring so many stunning scenes and moments, as well as too many touching stories to us.  And I like the judges and their comments.  They give us sufficient enlightenment about life’s meaning and the importance of pursuit of one’s dreams.  Compared to “The Voice”, the Talent Shows are much more enriched in terms of formats and contents.

Britain's Got Talent:





American Idol:


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· Journal for our trip to Cancun
· Talent Shows:dreams coming tr
· The Mid-Autumn Festival
· The Voice
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· The Year-End Letter before the
· Journal for our trip to Cancun
· Talent Shows:dreams coming tr
· The Mid-Autumn Festival
· The Voice
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