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The Mid-Autumn Festival 2012-09-29 21:01:48

中秋节是中国传统节日中与情感最密切相关的节日。中秋夜,人们仰望凌空满月,寄托自己浓浓的亲情、友情及爱情。文人墨客,词典作家借助明月抒发人们的深深的思念之情。 但愿人长久,千里共婵娟那不朽的诗句就是我此刻的心情。

Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in China.  It is the most closely related to emotions.  At the night of Mid-Autumn Festival, people look up to the full moon hanging in the sky and give expression to their deep sense of family, friendship and love.  Men of letters and learned writers and poets express deep thoughts of love by way of beautifying the moon.  "It is wished people and their feelings will last long so that they can share the moon and love in spite of thousands of miles separating them."  This immortal line of verse is in my mind at this moment.
In the natural scenes, the moon is the most romantic.  She would inspire the most artistic associations.  A crescent is reminiscent of the nascent buds; a full moon, on the other hand, is suggestive of the beautiful, successful life; the bright moon light would be associated with honorable personality.  Many wonderful ideals and visions of humankind are reflected on the moon. 

At this moment, a song is resonating in my heart.  It is The most romantic thing:

I like the fashionable line from the lyrics The most romantic thing that I can think of is to grow gradually old together with you.”



背靠着背坐在地毯上                   Sitting on the carpet, back to back

听听音乐聊聊愿望                       Listen to music while chatting about our wishes

你希望我越来越温柔                   You want me to be more and more gentle

我希望你放我在心上                   I hope you keep me in mind

你说想送我个浪漫的梦想          You said you would like to give me a romantic dream

谢谢我带你找到天堂                  To thank me for bringing you up to paradise

哪怕用一辈子才能完成              Even if it takes a lifetime to complete

只要我讲你就记住不忘              Whatever I say you would never forget

我能想到最浪漫的事                  The most romantic thing that I can think of

就是和你一起慢慢变老              Is to grow gradually old together with you

一路上收藏点点滴滴的欢笑      Collect laughter bit by bit along the way

留到以后坐着摇椅慢慢聊          Saving for later to take about sitting in a rocking chair

我能想到最浪漫的事                  The most romantic thing that I can think of

就是和你一起慢慢变老              Is to grow gradually old together with you

直到我们老的哪儿也去不了      Till we become too old to go anywhere

你还依然把我当成手心里的宝  Even then you still think of me as a treasure in your hand.

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