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By ditching upper kitchen cabinets 2018-10-29 03:46:58

Before you get upset about where you're going to put all your things, do a big KonMari-style kitchen cleaning and then consider how to renovate. By ditching upper kitchen cabinets, the way pluck Kitchen did in this galley, the whole room will feel bigger. (You can always store overflow in a hutch in the next room over.)

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A tip we swiped from designer Ryan Lawson's Greenwich Village apartment: paint built-in bookshelves a warm gray to help them recede visually. This way, they won't seem like such a bulky space-hogger.

Focuses on Digital PR and crisis management to boost online reputation for clients.

That could mean opting for an all stainless-steel kitchen, rather than stainless appliances mixed in with wood cabinets, or even wood floors painted the same color as the walls. “Using a lot of the same material helps blur the lines of the space and give a more rounded and open feel in a small space,” Studiomama cofounder Nina Tolstrup says of the allover Douglas fir in

Mia Cucina offers functional kitchen cabinets design with Italian-imported materials to generate the design ideas for your unique kitchen.Visit our showroom for discovering the most distinctive style that suits your ideal kitchen today.

Even if you aren't up to the task of DIY-ing your own secret storage coffee table, the way Fort Standard founder Greg Buntain did in his Brooklyn apartment, you can still shop for one that is similar. Look for sofas, beds, tables, and bench seating that lift up to reveal storage space within.

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