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Hong Kong marina house gets a nautical makeover 2018-11-20 23:42:57

Hong Kong marina house gets a nautical makeover in accordance with its oceanfront area

Like the yachts berthed outside, this 2,000 sq ft, four-room Sai Kung town house is splendid, crisp and streamlined. Some portion of the Marina Cove improvement, the convenience in the part level house is

organized more than six half-floors, which had scarcely been contacted since it was worked during the 1980s.

"It was extremely run-down," says architect Clifton Leung Hin-che, who was accused of changing the dated inside into a contemporary family home for Benny Liu, a restorative specialist, his better half,

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Winnie, their girls, 11-year-old Sarah and eight-year-old Hannah, and their pet turtle. The pro-cess, which started in mid-2017, took a year, amid which the design was changed, rooms reassigned and

considered altera-tions made – a bay window here, an arrangement of bifold entryways there and stroll in closets all over.

Inside a Hong Kong town house like no other

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It is the second remodel Leung has attempted for the family.

"Their last home, in the city, had more wood and Scandinavian impacts," he says. "This time, they needed it to be new and marine clean, with regards to the earth. So we went for shades of dark and bunches of


With such a significant number of levels to play with, the focal staircase turned into a key component of the new look. Out went the restricted stairs and metal balustrades and in came a solitary slim-line

balustrade with wooden handrails.

The materials utilized on the stairs change as they rise through the house: reasonable dim tile in the hall, lounge room and second-floor kitchen changes to hotter, milder wood for the third-floor family

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room/visitor room, the fourth-floor kids' rooms and fifth-and 6th floor ace suite and study.

On each dimension, Leung has amplified the measure of the windows, to acquire more characteristic light, and introduced object free white blinds to keep the look clean. Similarly as slick is the inlet

lighting, helped by highlight lights and downlights.

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In the lounge room, a mass of floor-to-roof bifold entryways and substantial dark floor tiles make a boundary free association with the part level outside spaces. "The tiles have a relatively solid like

feel; a touch of space style," Leung says.

Outside, he introduced a progression of expansive and little advances driving from the patio to a private gliding dock at the edge of the marina. "It's an all the more intriguing utilization of the space,"

he says of the means. "It's a social event put for the family and their companions, some place the children can play and incredible for picnics."

Yet, it's the expansive kitchen-coffee shop that is the core of the home. By moving the partners' quarters to the ground-floor campaign, Leung could recover the space for a "messy kitchen" behind an obscure

dim glass sliding entryway, which contains cooking scents and conceals the cleaning up. The primary kitchen is engaged around an extensive island, kitted out with a morning meal bar, wine ice chest, drawers

and USB attachments and telephone charging region. Adding enthusiasm to the cool palette is a complement territory of wooden open racking, rehashed in the wooden wine rack toward the finish of the island.


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