我的幸福不远也不近........My joy is closely far
就在一个迷人的海边........Buried in the exotic beach sand
快步走十分钟就到了........By walking ten minutes apart.
海浪起伏了...................Waters dancing up and down
我的催眠曲...................Enchanting a lullaby on my tongue
潮起潮落......................Tides incoming and retreating
我心的节奏....................Rhyme with my heartbeat like a song.
每当忧郁抓住了我.......... When captured by sadness
我就来到这段沙滩............Escape to beach is my wishfulness
把心绪交给浪................. My heart is soothed by ocean's softness
既然我是离岸的帆船........ Off the shoreline I sail to the expanse of sea
远行就是我的航线............A journey of loneliness.
My joy, closely afar
Buried in the enchanting beach sand
Ten minutes walking apart
Waves up and down
My lullaby sung
Tides in and out
Rhyme with my heartbeat rung
Sadness captures me whenever
I come to the beach and escape forever
My heart and soul given to the ocean
And let it surge
Off the shore I sail
Faraway a journey is my trail
My joy is close, yet far
Buried in the beach’s enchanting sand
By a walk ten minutes past
Water dancing up and down
As a lullaby dances on my tongue
The tide incoming and retreating
Forms a rhythm with my heartbeat like a song
When sadness captures me
The beach is my escape
My heart is soothed by the ocean’s softness
My soul surges into the expanse of sea
On a lonely faraway journey